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Learner to Professional Staff Survey

Welcome to the Learner to Professional Project Student & Alumni Survey!

The Learner to Professional Project seeks to enhance the student experience by exploring the wider professional context in which Warwick degrees operate to understand how to recognise better the relationship between undergraduate studies and professional practice.

The principal aim of this project is to develop a clear view of the student and recent graduate perspective on both the discipline and the discipline-specific student experience. By combining this with the perspectives of employers and staff a multi-faceted understanding can be generated of the professional values and behaviours associated with the discipline.

The findings of this survey and Learner to Professional Project outcomes will positively impact both employability and the student experience, by connecting students more closely to a purpose beyond their performance on the degree. Your participation and views are therefore invaluable in helping shape the experience and employability of Warwick students.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and you can withdraw at any point before you press the 'Send form' button. Survey data collection is done anonymously and therefore is non identifiable or traceable to an individual. Data is collected and analysed for the purpose of research and will be used to inform future pedagogic interventions and improvement of student experience at University of Warwick.

Thank you for your time!

In your view/experience the critical knowledge and skills for a professional in your discipline are
How well prepared for professional practice are students from your discipline after their studies (1-lowest and 5-highest)
How important is it to support students in their development as professionals (1-lowest and 5-highest)
How well does your department support students in their development as professionals (1-lowest and 5-highest)
What is the attitude in your department generally to incorporating a focus on employability into the undergraduate curriculum
To what extent do you address student development as professionals in modules you are involved in (1-lowest and 5-highest)
Please indicate whether you agree with the following statement: Professional degrees taught in my department are strongly linked to professional practice during
Compared to other similar courses of study how well did you believe your students are prepared for professional practice
Please tick this box if you would like to take part in the next stage of this study
Privacy notice
This form is anonymous. No data which personally identifies you is collected on the form. The data you provide is used solely for research purposes and will be used to help improve the design and delivery of courses and student experience at University of Warwick.

The University of Warwick is the Data Controller of any information you have entered on this form and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with Data Protection Legislation. The University's Data Protection webpages provide further information on your rights and how the University processes personal data. If you wish to submit a data subjects rights request, make a complaint or report a suspected personal data breach, please contact the University’s Data Protection Officer by email at

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For any questions or comments related to the Learner to Professional survey, please contact the Lead project Officer Dr Bo Kelestyn

If there is an issue with the survey, please contact the Chief Investigator of the study Mr Graeme Knowles,

Expected survey end date: TBC

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