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All Library Entries

The Library is divided in four main categories that you can explore starting from the Library Home page: 1) Student-Centred environment, 2) International and intercultural integration, 3) Emotional intelligence and 4) Staff and Students Wellbeing.

Filtering the pedagogies according to additional useful criteria

In addition to such categories, each pedagogy has been 'tagged' according to useful criteria that can allow you to further filter them so you can find the right type of inspiration. These filters are:

* Class-size (100, 30, etc.),

* Class level (First Year UG, PGT, etc.),

* Class type (online, seminar, lecture, etc.),

* Preparation time,

* Time during the term (preparation, start, middle, end) and

* Conditions to wellbeing promoted by the pedagogy.

In order to filter the pedagogies according to these additional criteria, please use the filter system on the right hand side of this page. For starting filtering, please make sure you first click on 'Select none'. Once you have done this, please select as many or as little tags as you wish (e.g. 10 Conditions to Wellbeing: Flexibility, Class Size: Large, Preparation Time: Short) and then click 'Show Selected'. The pedagogies that respond to the categories you have selected will come up as result of your search. For exploring all the relevant filtered pedagogies, click on the buttons 'Latest News, Older news, Newer news' at the bottom of the page.

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