
Providing the choice of different kinds of assessments on different modules to enable students to choose a path that most suits them but also gives them variety. This can additionally involve creating assignments different from the traditional essay or exam. It hopes to relieve stress by spreading assignments throughout the year rather than having them all at the end.

Watch the video below for more information about this pedagogy:

This video is part of a recorded interview between Dr Lydia Plath, the pedagogy leader, and Zoe Nobileau, one of the project officers. This conversation contains the a full description of the pedagogy, it's objectives and the potential benefits.

Student Feedback

These quotes were raised by students about their experiences with the curriculum at Warwick without prior knowledge of this pedagogy. However, they comprehensively highlight the importance of this teaching strategy.

  • "In general, being given flexibility over assessment can allow students to play to their strengths which I hugely profitted from. For example, I was much better at exams than coursework, but my friends on the same course preferred essay writing. Flexibility is very beneficial for students as they are able to have more control over the teaching learning experience."
  • "I didn’t choose any of the flexible alternatives as I have always found essays more straightforward – I like having the time and space to think about the topic."
  • "It’s good to be able to try both formats (essays and exams) in first year when it doesn’t count towards your final grade, that way you know where your strengths are."