
Preparing pre-arrival 1st year students for the Warwick student experience. Details on this can be found here.


Project aims:

  • To improve the student induction experience and prepare students for their academic studies through the development of pre-arrival e-learning resources.
  • To enhance student engagement before arrival at university.
  • To provide pre-arrival students with reassurance about coming to university.
  • To develop an online e-learning Moodle resource to enhance the student induction experience and begin to create a pre-arrival learning community.

Student Feedback

This quote was raised by a student about their experience with the curriculum at Warwick without prior knowledge of this pedagogy. However, it comprehensively highlights its importance in reshaping the learning environment.

  • "It would definitely be helpful to have information given to students that are transitioning, that explains what the tutor system should be used for."