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Project Background and FAQs

Project Context

  • ‘Employability’ is a problematic term, which is by nature political. It imbues the tensions between expectations of student engagement within a neo-liberalist society and the value of education. Employability remains understated at Warwick as we as a collective have not yet engaged in a critical discourse on this.
  • Despite there being a wide array of employability initiatives and interventions which have been developed and implemented over the past decade at Warwick, student feedback indicates there remains a lack of deep engagement with employability education, and a perceived disconnect between the academic and professional services community.
  • This project aims to construct plural and multi-dimensional understandings of these issues, before testing future interventions which can then be further designed and embedded successfully.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will find answers to frequently asked questions hereLink opens in a new window, but please do not hesitate to get in touch or suggest edits to this document by contacting the Project Leads.

Dr Bo Kelestyn (

Emily Róisín Reid (

Challenge Team Submission

Challenge Output GuideLink opens in a new window

Please submit your Challenge outputs via this pageLink opens in a new window before midnight, Sunday 27th June.

Judging Criteria

This is based on the Design Thinking methodology that will be used during the Challenge and The Warwick Education Strategy

Teams are welcome to explore ideas, insights and solutions that have the potential to address the challenges of employability outside of Warwick too.