Digital Pedagogies Library

About the Project
The aim of the project was to provide a space through which to record, collate and disseminate information about digital pedagogy in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Warwick.
The Digital Pedagogies Library both showcased the excellent practice work occurring across the Faculty of Arts and beyond in the field of digital pedagogy, and inspired broader engagement and innovation within the digital sphere.
The Library demonstrated the role and value of the Arts in the digital age, created a space for the Faculty to learn from staff and students’ expertise and perspective and stimulated further advances in this field.
Project Impact
The Digital Pedagogy Library has evolved from an initial idea through to an online resource featuring x30 case studies from colleagues across the Faculty of Arts (July 2021). The Library served three discrete purposes:

Showcasing Practice
As a showcase of excellent practice, it offered recognition to staff for the hard work they are devoting to digital pedagogy whilst allowing the Faculty to capture examples of pedagogic innovation.
This both supported academics and professional services staff in embedding digital innovation and excellence into their modules more easily, inspired collaboration between innovators, and offered a record of the development that has occurred during this cultural moment.

Space for Best Practice
The Library enhanced the learning community by providing a space for staff to share best practice and search for ideas to enhance their teaching.
It inspired innovation in digital pedagogy and experience; the DPL raised both awareness of the exciting opportunities offered in this field and the profiles of likeminded individuals across the campus, enabling the Faculty of Arts to create new, exciting and inclusive learning opportunities for all of our students.

Student Experience
As our students are graduating into an increasingly digital job market, we must ensure that students have a range of digital skills in their arsenal, alongside understanding of the digital sphere and engagement in its development and uses. This project encouraged academic staff in the Arts Faculty to engage their students in this space and make it easier for them to do so.
Moving forward
The DPL secured further WIHEA funding to move into Phase 2 of the project, where the project team developed the library and increased the remit of research and resources to encompass all of the university. This project was initially a collaboration between the Faculty of Arts and ADC, alongside the DAL and the LDCU, from the initial plans through to leading and developing the library resource. However, after obtaining further funding, the project expanded its digital repository of examples of best practice to include resources from across the University.
The project partners intend to demonstrate both the qualitative and methodological findings of the project through publications in relevant academic Journals or edited collections. These will critically evaluate digital pedagogy and the benefits of collaboration and showcasing inherent in the library model.
Going forward, we also plan to evolve the Library; work is being undertaken to ensure that the infrastructure of the website is accessible, and we have colleagues interested in contributing further resources and ideas to the Library.
Project Team
Project Co-Leads and Student Interns
Project Team
Bryan Brazeau (Cross Faculty Studies); Rob O’Toole (Academic Technology); Elena Riva (IATL)