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Interdisciplinary Staff Hub

Project Context

  • This project aimed to create an online resource for staff including case studies and advice on designing an interdisciplinary module and embedding interdisciplinarity in digital education.
  • A recent at the University of Warwick (Institutional Review of Interdisciplinarity, December 2019) highlighted that there are currently barriers preventing staff from engaging with interdisciplinary teaching and learning activities. The creation of a staff interdisciplinary hub helped to resolve some of these barriers including understanding interdisciplinarity and support via information and interdisciplinary champions.
  • The intention was to work on developing staff resources that are aligned to the strategic areas of Digital Education and Curriculum Design & Development. These acted as a database for disseminating successful cases of interdisciplinarity in online teaching and learning, as well as providing guidance on how to embed interdisciplinarity when designing modules and teaching.

Project Team

Project Lead

Dr Lauren Schrock (WMG)

Project Team:
Isabelle Deane (Engineering), Wiktoria Jeglinska (Education Studies), Ellie King (WMG), Jennifer Kitchen (IATL), Debbi Marais (WMS), Jo Wale (IATL)

Project Impact

  • Consolidated and promoted interdisciplinarity as a key component of the Warwick experience including online learning
  • Demonstrated its applicability to students, staff and disciplines
  • Removed barriers to student engagement through the provision of advice and information to staff on interdisciplinary learning opportunities. For example, advertising further learning and development opportunities, conferences, and participation in IATL modules
  • Created a platform for sharing good practices and creating a community of practice for the Interdisciplinarity strand of the Strategy
If you would like more information on this project, please contact project lead:

Dr Lauren Schrock (

Project Aims

  • Showcased successful examples of interdisciplinary teaching/learning opportunities offered at Warwick
  • Identified interdisciplinary champions across departments who can share experience and provide support to colleagues
  • Promoted opportunities for staff to learn more about interdisciplinary teaching and learning (for example, through opportunities such as the PGA in Interdisciplinary Pedagogy).
  • Facilitated the creation of a constantly evolving resource and a community of practice that can champion Interdisciplinarity strand of the Education Strategy
  • Promoted guidance for staff on the availability of interdisciplinary learning opportunities for their students, information on departmental approval and registration processes and information on how to apply for funding to develop new interdisciplinary teaching opportunities

Project Timeline

  • March 2021: finalised interview questions and list of interviewees, considered ideas for how to present information on web pages
  • April 2021: progressed presentation to Interdisciplinary Learning Circle, carried out interviews and data gathering, initial organisation of web pages
  • May 2021: carried out interviews and data gathering, drafted web pages
  • June 2021: composed case studies, drafted web pages
  • July 2021: finalised case studies, finalised web pages, and disseminated work within Interdisciplinary Learning Circle