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2021/22 WIHEA External Collaboration Projects

We are pleased to present WIHEA's first External Collaboration funded projects.

This initiative aims to strengthen the Academy's collaboration with Higher Education Institutions, nationally and internationally, to promote knowledge exchange and cooperation on areas of wider relevance in HE. By initiating and promoting targeted projects, events, collaborations and engagement initiatives, we create opportunities to work more closely with other institutions to jointly respond to sector-wide challenges, develop new research, share innovations, test ideas and disseminate succesful pratices that benefit higher education. The projects funded in 2021/22 are described below:

Please also visit WIHEA's Case Studies and Past Project Catalogue for details of all WIHEA internal funded projects.

How does Blended Learning Impact Affective Correlates of Student Learning and Experience?

Led by Peter Fossey (ADC, Warwick) and Antony Aleksiev (University of West London)

The rapid shift to online learning in 2020 had advantages as well as disadvantages, and it did not affect all staff and students equally. As we look ahead to a future that is likely to include more widespread integration of blended learning elements into 'conventional' HE teaching, it is important to understand how students are differentially affected by learning in a blended environment and encountering online assessment methods which might be unfamiliar to them. Thus, it is important to see how staff think about and practice the design and pedagogy of blended learning, in order to provide meaningful support around, for example, enhancing student digital literacy, academic integrity, and study-life balance.

Practicing Inclusive Education: Co-creating Open Spaces for Learning

Led by Jonathan Heron (IATL, Warwick) and Dan Derricott (EPQ, Warwick), in collaboration with University College Birmingham

This project will bring together teaching and learning communities at University College Birmingham and Warwick to share practice in inclusive education, with a specific focus on co-creative and experiential learning. Through a series of hybrid workshops, staff will be invited to learn from each other’s approaches to inclusive learning, practical teaching and co-created curricula. By the end of the project, the team will have facilitated at least three workshops for colleagues across the two institutions and offered practical examples (through online case-studies) in relation to inclusive education. Professor Jonathan Heron (UoW) will co-facilitate the workshops with Dr Devinder Rana-Rai (UCB) and a mixed group of students to ensure that each workshop is participatory and collaborative.

Online Induction Resources and Publications for Supporting Foundation and Pre-Master International Students

Led by Amy Stickels (Warwick Foundation Studies) and Tab Betts (University of Sussex)

This online induction resource and publication aims to support foundation and pre-master's international students to transition to UK universities. The goal is to enhance student experience, improve student wellbeing and address the attainment gap created by insufficient institutional scaffolding for international students. The website and resources were created as a collaboration between students and staff at the University of Warwick and the Active Learning Network. They comprise a variety of multimedia resources, including short videos, podcasts, downloadable PDF guides, links and a discussion area for students, alumni and staff to share experience and resources as a community.

The Midlands Racial Equality in Medicine Network

Led by Olanrewaju Sorinola (Warwick Medical School) and Charlotte Simms (Warwick Medical School), in collaboration with University of Leicester & University of Keele

The Midlands Racial Equality in Medicine Network aims to build connections between regional medical schools to provide both staff and students with a platform to share upcoming initiatives, disseminate research and create joint ventures related to increasing attainment and graduate outcomes among ethnic minority medical students and increasing racial equality in medicine. The Network was launched at an inaugural conference held at Warwick Medical School in February 2022. This hybrid event brings together stakeholder institutions annually to demonstrate their commitment to the Network whilst enabling them to develop working relationships, highlight current activities and present research.
