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WIHEA Alumni

At the end of all Fellowships, Staff and Student Fellows become WIHEA Alumni for as long as they remain at Warwick.

The Academy currently has 130 Alumni in total, boasting a wealth of knowledge and experience. Many of our Alumni remain actively involved as members or co-leads of Learning Circles and Projects. All are invited to attend two annual Fellows/Alumni networking lunches, WIHEA Seminars, Masterclasses and Workshops. Alumni are encouraged to become mentors to new Fellows during their induction programme and often support or provide guidance to Fellows on project bid applications or how to make the most out their Fellowship. They receive a regular newsletter to keep them up to date and share their news/progress on WIHEA and wider University activities. You can view a list of our Alumni and former Fellows (those that have left Warwick) by following the links below.

WIHEA Student Alumni