WIHEA 2022 Fellows Profiles
Welcome to our latest cohort of staff and student WIHEA Fellows! They will be developing expertise in areas of interest to them, enhancing practice and policy, and informing our strategic and practical thinking on learning and teaching.
Read on to see the perspectives they bring and what they are looking forward to getting involved in.
Please also see our full list of WIHEA FellowsLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window. You can also check the News article on the new fellows 2022-2025.

Tumi Araga
Undergraduate Student, English and Comparative Literary Studies
In this role, I believe I can bring a genuine desire to help and improve the student experience – I have experience in advocating for the needs of other students, for example, during my time as a prefect in Sixth Form, one of our main responsibilities was acting as a bridge between the students and staff. I am most interested in getting involved in the anti-racism and student wellbeing learning circles, but do not limit myself to those. I believe that, particularly due to what I’ve studied in my degree, I can bring an understanding of the nature and mechanisms of systemic issues which negatively affect students in these areas, and thus aid in providing empathy, understanding, and solutions for difficulties students face.
Judith Brown
Technology Enhanced Learning Specialist, Education Group
In my role as a Technology Enhanced Learning Specialist, I collaborate with academic colleagues to create high quality interactive online learning activities across a range of disciplines. I look forward to connecting with other members of the community to learn and share expertise and to jointly explore innovative ways to use online learning to enhance the learning experience across the curriculum.

Ursula Clayton
Teaching Fellow, English and Comparative Literary Studies
I am an early career teaching-focused academic, and teach Shakespeare Studies and ‘Academic Enrichment’ materials for the English and Comparative Literary Studies Department. I am committed to developing inclusive teaching and learning practices; specifically, I am researching ways to increase access to higher education for refugees and asylum seekers in Coventry. I would welcome the opportunity to use the WIHEA Fellowship to explore the strategic direction of practice and policies relating to refugee education at Warwick.
Sophie Cookson
Digital Business Partner, IDG
A significant part of my previous role as a Teaching and Learning Consultant within WBS, was to develop high quality online content for distance learning postgraduate programmes. I have a particular passion for developing excellence around live online teaching and am looking for opportunities to research and create interventions to inform and develop best practices. I’m a member of the University Coaching Apprenticeship Programme and an advocate for the benefits of coaching and using its principles to facilitate conversations to solve work-based challenges and boost creativity.

Dr Susie Cowley-Haselden
Assistant Professor, Warwick Foundation Studies
I am Assistant Professor in English for Academic Purposes and Senior Fellow of HEA and BALEAP TEAP. My research and teaching practice focuses on making UK HE more accessible for students by uncovering implicit practices within the disciplines. I am a fervent believer in theory informed practice and hope to help inform how pedagogic research at Warwick can be highly appliable and impactful.
Benjamin Ferguson
Professor, Department of Philosophy
I am the director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics programme and a professor in Philosophy. As PPE director I focus on fostering a positive student learning experience and promoting research-led teaching. I also have experience in multi- and interdisciplinary teaching and the development of interdisciplinary learning streams. I am particularly interested in cooperating with projects involving internationalisation, inclusion and diversity, and in the development of novel assessment methods.

Dr Rosa Maria Fernandez Martin
Associate Professor, Global Sustainable Development
I am an enthusiast of widening participation and I would like to contribute to any initiative aiming to extend the access to education for sustainable development to as many people as possible, within Warwick and the wider community. More generally I am an advocate of digital inclusion as a means to facilitate upskilling and continuous personal development, so I hope I can get involved in any project related to the above, as well as in the sharing of best practices among colleagues.

Tom Greenaway
ITP Development Consultant, Student Opportunity
My research background is Intercultural Communication and developing teamwork skills. As a WIHEA fellow, I hope to participate in projects that support students to develop transferable skills and collaborate with colleagues on innovative education research projects.
Samantha Grierson
Quality Reviews and Enhancement Manager, Education Policy & Quality
My interests lie in interdisciplinarity and authentic learning. I especially have a keen interest in equity in learning and inclusive practices, which further informs my interest in diverse assessments. I am passionate about enabling students to have a fair chance to develop and showcase their academic abilities. As a WIHEA fellow I hope to share my experiences in assessment and module design with colleagues and explore opportunities to remove barriers to learning and promote academic fulfilment.

Kat Halliday
Academic Support Librarian, Library
I am the Academic Support Librarian for Warwick Business School, previously working as a Librarian in the Health and Legal sectors before Academia.
As a WIHEA fellow, I hope to further look at decolonising the curriculum and anti-racist teaching practices and how the Library, its collections and spaces support this vital work.
Dr Luke Hodson
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
My expertise focuses on positive individual differences, adaptive cognition, wellbeing, and intervention development. I endeavour to create inclusive and supportive student-centred learning environments. I am also a member of Warwick's LGBTQIA+ Taskforce. I am keen to adopt an interdisciplinary approach to explore ways of increasing diversity and inclusivity in HE and how we can increase the well-being of both staff and students.

Christoph Hoerl
Professor, Department of Philosophy
I have been Director of Education in the Philosophy Department for a number of years. One of the issues I have been particularly passionate about in this role is letting students choose their own path through their degree course. There has to be a core that defines the particular degree course, but across its different departments Warwick has so much to offer for students who want to explore issues beyond disciplinary boundaries, and I think it is important we give them every opportunity to do so.
Robert Huckstepp
Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences
I received my Post Graduate Award in teaching in 2008, and became a fellow of the HEA in 2017. Over the past 8 years I have been a personal tutor at both UCL and Warwick, which has involved several small group learning environments, such as tutorials and seminars. I have co-designed and currently co-convene Physiology and Neuroscience Undergraduate laboratories. I also convene a Y3 module, for which we have introduced an innovative workshop and novel learning assessment not used before in SLS. Finally, I am part of a team that has created an interactive teaching app to support cardiovascular teaching programmes at our Coventry and Singapore campuses and Monash University in Australia. My main transferable skill is problem solving and creating imaginative new learning environments and assessment. I am happy to bring my expertise to, and get involved in, all topics during the WIHEA fellowship, but I am most excited to learn from my colleagues in other departments.

Zoi Ioannidou
PhD Student, School of Life Sciences
I am a third year PhD student in Life Sciences and currently the deputy chair of the SLS PGR SSLC. I have been involved as a GTA in several modules, mainly interdisciplinary in nature, and I am particularly interested in making Life Sciences students more comfortable with using quantitative data analysis skills. I am also very driven to improve uptake of PGRs who teach in SLS.
Lucy Johnson
Teaching and Learning Services Manager, Department of Chemistry
As Teaching and Learning Services Manager for the Department of Chemistry I am passionate about creating an environment that supports all students to succeed. I am an active member of the Association of University Administrators (AUA) Student Experience and Engagement network and act as Mentor for fellow professionals studying for the PG Certificate in Higher Education Administration, Management and Leadership. I am looking forward to being a part of the WIHEA community and working with colleagues to shape the development of Warwick’s learning and teaching provision.

Edwina Jones
Associate Professor, WMG
I am a learning designer interested in how we design learning that utilises and develops students’ histories, skills and ambitions; and how we deliver it in a way takes account of differing needs, preferences and lifestyles – particularly in a blended learning context. I would be particularly interested in expanding my knowledge and network in the areas of co-creation, authentic learning and student experience.
Lauren Ketteridge
Undergraduate Student, WMG
Throughout my degree, I have been particularly interested in teaching and learning, having participated in any opportunity I could find to develop my knowledge. As a WIHEA fellow, I hope to continue this learning journey, with a particular focus on queer, decolonised, and inclusive pedagogies within healthcare education, alongside technology-enhanced learning and student co-creation. Alongside my lived experience as a widening participation student, it is hoped that this development will aid me in my goal of pursuing teaching positions in higher education after graduation.

Nicola Knowles
Reader & Deputy Director, WMG Undergraduate Programmes
As Deputy Director of WMG’s Undergraduate Programmes and DSEP, I relish the opportunity to share my passion for student experience, inclusivity and innovation with my colleagues and our wonderful students. I am excited to work with and learn from my WIHEA colleagues from across the University in all aspects of the Academy’s remit.
Emil Kostadinov
Teaching Fellow, Department of Economics
I have experience in using technology, and especially computer-aided assessment, as a tool to support learning and student engagement. As a year tutor, I also have good understanding of pastoral support and how it links to students’ learning experience.

Jenny Lloyd
Associate Professor, WBS
Although I’m a marketing academic of over 20 years standing, my origins in marketing practice have given me an interest in authentic education and authentic assessment. More recently I have extended my research into the concept of what constitutes ‘fairness’ in assessment.
Over the course of my Fellowship I am interested in developing my current work in the field of ‘fairness’ and ‘authenticity’. However, I would be keen to participate in any project that explores the drivers and inhibitors of student engagement, in particular levels of functional literacy.
Dr Heather Meyer
Placements Officer, IATL
I am a Teaching Fellow and Director of Studies at the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL). My research background is in international education – specifically around the theme of the construction of educational and community cultures. This work has led to an interest in inclusive education (particularly within the assessment space); inter/transdisciplinary teaching and learning; and the broader initiative of humanising higher education.

David Molyneux
Careers Services Manager, Student Opportunity
I have over 13 years’ experience working in careers in higher education including 8 at the University of Warwick. I am currently the Careers Services Manager and prior to that took responsibility for careers support at Warwick for both Life Science and Engineering. I have been involved in a number of research projects in the past most recently 'Barriers to placement years for widening participation students'. I am hoping to bring my employability and research expertise to help colleagues better embed employability in their teaching and to impact students' employability journeys.
Tom Ritchie
Associate Professor/ Reader, Department of Chemistry
I am looking forward to bringing my experience of pedagogical innovation, student engagement, and student-centred teaching approaches to WIHEA. I am also keen to contribute to the development of student-led research opportunities, inclusive pedagogies, and mental health and wellbeing practices.

Ragesree Roy
PhD Student, English and Comparative Literary Studies
As an international PhD student of Humanities at Warwick, I have been closely engaged with cross-cultural teaching practices and curriculum development based on inclusion and diversity. Working with Warwick Enterprise as the Research Impact Coordinator for 2022, I have supported projects that use creative and innovative methods, such as social enterprise initiatives, esports video games and design thinking to transform pedagogical practices in higher education. I hope to be involved with the learning circle of Pedagogic Research in Higher Education at WIHEA, as it will help me to explore the dynamics of transformative pedagogical practices in higher education.
Karoline Schneider
Departmental Administrator, Politics & International Studies
Karoline works as Departmental Administrator for Teaching and Learning in PAIS. She has over a decade of experience in student support, academic programme management, and academic policy and process design and improvement. Her core values of equality and inclusivity underpin and drive all aspects of her work, and her particular skills lie in working collaboratively with a variety of stakeholders.

Julie Shore
Head of Operations, Academic and CPD Programme Administration, Warwick Medical School
As Head of Operations at Warwick Medical School, and with a career spanning 15 years in HE, I hope to be able to use my experiences to support the valuable work of the Academy. I can offer expertise in supporting and guiding the development of innovative curriculum and have a particular interest in education governance.
Anna Tranter
Assistant Professor, Course Director, International Foundation Programme
I am a Course Director on the International Foundation Programme. I have a strong commitment to improving teaching and learning for my international students and have for a number of years, researched how best I can do this and shared my findings with a wider audience. I look forward to contributing to the educational discourse around internationalisation and inclusive teaching and learning.

Jianhua Yang
Associate Professor, WMG
I am an Associate Professor (T-focused) at the Warwick Manufacturing Group. As a Student Engagement Coordinator for the Faculty, I am interested in student engagement in general, particularly for students with widening participation, ethnic minority backgrounds, and part-time students. I’m keen on working with peer Fellows and setting up cross-faculty student engagement projects that fall into WIHEA’s strategic priorities.
Laura Yetton
Programmes Manager, Flexible Online Learning
Apprenticeships Programmes Manager: supporting the development of flexible learning pathways for students. Laura has a long history in the facilitation of work-based learning opportunities, developing governance and policy structures to support practice. Also working with industry to develop opportunities and increase graduate outcomes. With inclusion, innovation, and the student experience at the heart of her practice.
I look forward to contributing to discussions and initiatives around social mobility, outreach, and the student experience. As well as providing expertise around work-based learning, with a view to enhancing policy and practice in this area.