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Design Thinking Video Tutorials

Design Thinking Video Series

The Design Thinking video series follows the path of the student Peter who wants to start a business for a problem he has identified. The series of videos explore how Pete could have used Design Thinking methods to avoid mistakes and to create a successful business quicker.

Episode#1- Meet Peter

In the first episode in this series we look at a case study which faced a few challenges before benefitting from the help of Warwick Enterprise.

Text Transcript of the video

Episode#2- Design Thinking Introduction

In the second episode in this series we build on the challenges Peter faced in episode one and give an introduction into a Design Thinking approach.

Text Transcript of the video

Episode#3- Empathy Stage

In the third episode in this series we look at the first step of the Design Thinking process, Empathy. This stage focuses on putting ourselves in the shoes of others so we can better understand the problem we and trying to solve and the people that it affects.

Text Transcript of the video

Episode#4- Define Stage

In episode four we look at the Define Stage of Design Thinking. This stage starts with organising the data found in the previous stage and breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts. Using this data and breaking down the problem Peter is able to redefine the problem he has discovered and begin to ensure that it is actually a common problem by making his initial discoveries more specific.

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Episode#5- Ideation

In the fifth episode in the series we look at Ideation. In this stage Peter is focused on generating many ideas and solutions to the problem.

Text Transcript of the video

Episode#6- Prototyping

In the sixth episode in this series we look at Prototyping. This stage involves creating a tangible, low fidelity model of the solution that can be tested and iterated upon.

Text Transcript of the video

Episode#7- Testing

In the final episode in the series we look at testing Prototypes to gather feedback, iterate and improve the product or service. The testing stage is the final stage in the design thinking process, where you validate your ideas and assumptions and ensure the solution meets the needs of your users.

Text Transcript of the video