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Competency Framework for Effective Intercultural Interaction

The Competency Framework explains the competencies that are needed for effective intercultural interaction. In contrast to the Life Cycle Model for Intercultural Partnerships which presents the competencies by stage (i.e. key competencies are identified for each stage of a project life cycle), the Competency Framework presents them by clusters.

Intercultural competencies can be grouped into four interrelated clusters, according to the aspect of competence they affect or relate to:

For each competency cluster, we list the key component competencies, along with descriptive explanations of each of them. We also provide case study examples from the eChina-UK Programme to illustrate one or more of the following:

- How the competency manifests itself;
- Why the competency is important or is needed;
- How the competency can be displayed in behaviour;
- What problems may occur when the competency is not present.

The Competency Framework is thus useful for those who wish to gain a systematic, in-depth understanding of intercultural effectiveness and the competencies need to achieve it.

The competency model is based on extensive research. The conceptualisation of intercultural competence presented here is drawn from two main sources: the international competences identified by the consultancy company WorldWork and analyses of research data from the eChina-UK Programme.