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Improving Access to and Quality of Reproductive and Child Health Care to Marginal Peoples: Bedouin in Jordan and Lebanon

European Commission FP6  INCO\DEV programme
1st January 2006 – 31st December 2010  
Funding: 1 million Euros
Lead contractor:   University of Warwick 

Co-ordinator:  Professor Gillian Lewando Hundt


Dr Dawn Chatty, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford, UK
Dr Anne Tursz, CERMES, Inserm, France
Dr Annika Rabo, CEIFO, University of Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Fadia Hasna,  Faculty of Nursing, Philadelphia University, Jordan
Dr Faysal Al Kak, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut

Project summary

Basic health care provision for pastoral peoples in the Middle East has been difficult to provide due to their remoteness and mobility. Government services are designed for fixed, permanently domiciled populations. In the arena of health care, these marginal mobile or recently settled populations have had limited access to government health care provision. Jordan and Lebanon have pursued different models of governmental health care; Jordan has set up health care centres where Bedouin have settled, whereas Lebanon has maintained general health services for its rural population. This study aims to:  

  • assess the current health status, health seeking behaviour and practices of marginal pastoral peoples in relation to reproductive and child health
  • assess the scope of current health care delivery and the views of stakeholders-policy makers, health personnel and Bedouin themselves about it
  • develop in partnership with local providers, model interventions to improve access to and quality of reproductive and child health care
  • evaluate and disseminate the interventions locally, nationally and regionally

The study will take place in the north eastern desert region of Jordan and the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon with the support of both Ministries of Health. The study sites within each study area will include mobile and recently settled Bedouin. In the first year a needs assessment will be carried out using quantitative & qualitative data collection on health service utilisation and resourcing, health seeking behaviour, as well as participatory learning and action techniques designed to generate an understanding of reproductive and child health care needs, provision and delivery. The research teams and partners in the Ministry of Health and local communities will develop mode pilot interventions during Years 3 & 4 with ongoing evaluation. These will be disseminated using innovative techniques at the local, national and regional levels to all stakeholders during Yrs 3 and 4.