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Seminar 3: Global Substantive Health Issues

5th and 6th June 2008


University of Warwick


Links between health and human rights have historically been two-fold. First, in terms of access to health care. Second, where human rights abuses, such as torture, have impacted upon health (Mann et al 1999a).


More recently, wider public health issues are also being addressed using rights-based approaches. This seminar will explore global health issues, including: WHO and the global health governance of tobacco; responding to new infectious diseases such as Ebola haemorrhagic fever and Marburg haemorrhagic fever and revisions of the International Health Regulations; and access to essential medicines including antiretrovirals.

Another area is that of forced migration and asylum seeking and health and human rights. This is an issue within the UK and Europe but also internationally particularly, in areas when there are complex emergencies with a large displaced refugee population. There is also the issue of the rights of marginal mobile populations such as Roma and pastoralists – that remain a problem for governments as well as for the minority groups themselves.

The third seminar in the ESRC seminar series on “Global Health and Human Rights” will focus on global health issues. Topics to be covered include:


TRIPS and access to essential medicines  *  Restricting human rights for the public good  *  Rights of children  *  Equity  *  Roma people  *  Collective action  *  Brain drain 


Participants will include colleagues at the University of Cape Town, whose contributions to the seminar will be facilitated by a live video link.

Confirmed speakers include:

Stephen Marks,François-Xavier Bagnoud Professor of Health and Human Rights, Department of Population and International Health, Harvard School of Public Health
Robyn Martin, Professor of Public Health Law, University of Hertfordshire
Leslie London, Professor of Public Health, University of Cape Town
Jacky Thomas, Founding member of women's circles Cape Town and Research Fellow, University of Cape Town
Duncan Matthews, Reader in Intellectual Property Law, Queen Mary, University of London 
Aoife Nolan, Queen's University Belfast
Giovanni Frazzetto, BIOS, LSE
Istvan Pogany, Professor of Law, University of Warwick 
Evgeniya Plotnikova, University of Edinburgh
Jeanelle de Gruchy, Nottingham PCT 

Shaheen Ali, Professor of Law, University of Warwick



Registration fee is £ 30 (includes 6 tea and coffee and 2 lunchs) or £ 50 with group dinner on 5th June

UK places are fully booked.

Health and Human Rights Research Group


To see programme, please click here