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UK Focused Research Development


(28.10.09) Institute of Health Seminar and Book Launch: Health Inequalities, Globalisation and Social Work, and book launch: Social Work and Global Health Inequalities: Practice and Policy Developments, Speaker: Paul Bywaters.

(04.02.09) Institute of Health Seminar: Exploring the Relationship Between Health, Social Status and Social Capital: Can Bourdieu Help Us? Speaker: Dr Andrew Gibson, (Institute of Health/NHS Centre for Involvement, University of Warwick)

(29.04.09) Institute of Health Seminar: Global perspectives on children’s unpaid care giving in the family: Research and policy on ‘young carers’ in the UK, Australia, USA and sub-Saharan Africa. Speaker: Professor Saul Becker (University of Nottingham)

(23. 03. 07) 4th Video-linked Seminar: Institute of Health, University of Warwick and Centre for Social Work Research, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China, Subject: Social Work, Migration and Health Issues, Speakers: Prof Agnes Law, Sun Yat Sen University, Joanne Westwood, University of Central Lancashire, Chair Dr Eileen McLeod.

(25. 04. 07) HASW/ School Seminar: Explanatory pathways for socio-economic inequalities in health in Israel: implications for social work. Speaker: Prof Varda Soskolne, Bar-Ilan University, Israel (Visiting Lecturer, Institute of Health Spring/Summer Term 2007-08-14. Chair: Prof Paul Bywaters.

(23. 10. 07) Video-linked Masterclass HASW, Institute of Health, with School of Social Work, University of Sydney on End of Life Care, Social Inequalities and Social Work. Convenors and Chairs: Prof Paul Bywaters and Dr Lindsey Napier.

(25. 10. 07) Social Work and Health Inequalities Network (SWHIN) (HASW affiliate) and University of Huddersfield

Day Conference: Health Inequalities: A Local and Global Social Work Issue. University of Huddersfield (contact


Research projects

Title: Mapping Nurse Led Social Care Interventions in Emergency Departments (EDs) across the UK: A survey and Systematic review of their objectives, extent, organisation and function  

Abstract : The study represents the first UK survey of the objectives, extent, organisation and function of nurse led ED based social care interventions, including multi-professional social care teams, as an essential basis for further testing and developing this model of intervention. It also comprises the first systematic UK and international literature review of nurse led ED based social care interventions in emergency care, and of UK locality based evaluations, identifying key lessons for policy , practice and research. In collaboration with key stakeholder representatives, it will develop, disseminate and review an evidence based checklist of good practice, derived from the study.

PI and Co-applicants: Joint PIs Dr Eileen McLeod and Dr Joanne Fisher, Co-Applicants: Prof Paul Bywaters, Prof Matthew Cooke, Mr Gary Swann.

Funding body: The Burdett Trust for Nursing

Dates: February 2007 – November 2008

Amount: £62,054.

Title: ESRC Research Seminar Series: Social Work and Health Inequalities Research 

Abstract This ESRC funded seminar series has brought together academics, practitioners, managers and researchers from the UK and across the world to explore and develop the agenda for social work research on health inequalities. Attended by invited colleagues including a group of post-graduate research students the seminars have produced in a unique archive of over 30 papers, which have been stored on the Social Work and Health Inequalities Network website in the Institute of Health at Warwick ( To date, 5 articles have been accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals.

PI and Co-applicants: Professor Paul Bywaters, Prof. B. Fawcett (University of Sydney), Dr. L. Napier (University of Sydney), Prof. M. Payne (St.Chrisopher’s Hospice), Prof. M. Drakeford (Welsh Assembly Government), Dr. J. Glasby (University of Birmingham), Dr. E. McLeod, D. Jones (International Federation of Social Workers.

Funding body: ESRC

Dates: Start Date: 01/01/2006 End Date: 31/07/2007

Amount: £15,312.63


Alston, Margaret; Globalisation, rural restructuring and health service delivery in Australia: policy failure and the role of social work? Health and social care in the community; 2007.

Beresford, Peter, User involvement, research and health inequalities: developing new directions. Health and Social Care in the Community July 2007; 15, 4, 306-312

Bywaters, Paul; Tackling Inequalities in Health: A Global Challenge for Social Work. British Journal of Social Work, forthcoming.

Humphreys, Cathy; A health inequalities perspective on violence against women. Health and Social Care in the Community; 2007; 15, 2, 120-127

Payne, Malcolm; International social work research and health inequalities. Journal of Comparative Social Welfare; 2006; 22, 2, 115-124

Web links:  

Past Research Projects

Title: Evaluation of Contact & Connect for Age Concern, Coventry

Abstract : Contact & Connect is a project, commissioned by Older People’s Partnership, Coventry, that aims to provide a single gateway to a range of services designed to support older people to live independently in their own homes. The project has two-year funding from Community Services and Supporting People. The evaluation is designed to investigate the effectiveness of the project from the perspectives of current funders, partner organisations and older people who have received the service. It comprises analysis of documentary data, interviews with funders and partner organisations, and telephone and face-to-face interviews with older people.

PI and Co-applicants: Dr. Denise Tanner, Researcher: Andrew Gibson

Funding body: Age Concern Coventry

Dates: May 2007 – December 2007

Amount: £7,250

Title: The Preventive Agenda – What Can Research Contribute?

Abstract : Paper delivered at a one –day conference, ‘A Stitch in Time: Delivering the Preventive Agenda' in May 2006. The event was organised by Regional Making Research Count (Convenor: Rose Ruddick, member of HASW Research Development Group ) and Age Concern Coventry and targeted at social care managers and practitioners involved in working with older people and older people themselves. The paper focused on four areas: key players in research on older people and prevention and the nature of research relationships; the contribution of research to the preventive agenda; challenges for research in this field; moving beyond concerns with outcomes and cost-effectiveness to wider questions of social values.

Presenter: Dr. Denise Tanner

Funding body: N/A

Dates: May 2006

Amount: N/A

Selected publications
  • Bywaters, P. and Munger, M. (Forthcoming) 'Health and Well-being', in Briar-Lawson, K., Orme, J. Rickdeschel, R. and Shaw, I. (eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Work Research. New York/London: Sage.

  • Evans, T. (2009) ''Managing to be professional? Team managers and practitioners in social services'' in Modernising social work, Editors: Harris, J and White, V (Eds), Bristol: Policy Press

  • Bywaters, P., Cowden, S., McLeod, E., Singh, G. and Rose, S., (2009) ‘Integrating health inequalities in social work learning and teaching’, SWAP Guide 6.

  • Alston, M, (2007) ‘Globalisation, rural restructuring and health service delivery in Australia: policy failure and the role of social work?’ Health and Social Care in the Community.
  • Beresford, P. (2007) User involvement, research and health inequalities: developing new directions. Health and Social Care in the Community 15, 4, 306-312.
  • Bywaters,P., McLeod, E. and Napier, L. (forthcoming) Social Work and global Health Inequalities, Bristol: Policy Press.
  • Bywaters, P., (2007) ‘Tackling Inequalities in Health: A Global Challenge for Social Work’, British Journal of Social Work. doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcm096
  • Bywaters, P. (2007) Understanding the Lifecourse’, in M. Lymbery and K.Postle (eds.) Social Work: A Companion to Learning, London: Sage.
  • Coe, C., Gibson, A., Stuttaford, M and Spencer, N. ‘Sure Start: Voices of the Hard to Reach’ Child: Care, Health and Development, In Press.
  • Gibson, A. (2007) ‘Does social capital have a role to play in the health of communities?’ in Promoting public health: skills, perspective and practice. Open University Press,
    Maidenhead, England.
  • Humphreys, C., (2007) ‘A health inequalities perspective on violence against women’. Health and Social Care in the Community 15, 2, 120-127.
  • McLeod, E., Bywaters, P., Tanner, D. and Hirsch, M. (2007) ‘For the sake of their health: older service users’ requirements for social care to facilitate access to social
    networks’, British Journal of Social Work doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bc1341
  • McLeod, E., Bywaters, P., Beresford, P., Croft, S., and Drakeford, M. (2007) ‘A new agenda for social work: tackling inequalities in physical health’, in E. Dowler and N.
    Spencer (eds.) Challenging Health Inequalities: From Acheson to Choosing Health, Bristol: Policy Press. (Publication arising from Institute of Health Conference on the
    Acheson Report).
  • McLeod, E. and Bywaters, P. (2007) ‘Ill-health’ in M. Davies (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to Social Work, 3rd Edition, Oxford: Blackwells Publishers.
  • Stevens, S. and Tanner, D. (2006) ‘Involving Service Users in the Teaching and Learning of Social Work Students: Reflections on Experience’, Social Work Education, 25(4):
  • Tanner, D. (2007) ‘Starting with lives: supporting older people’s strategies and ways of coping’, Journal of Social Work, 7(1): 7-30.
  • Tanner, D. and Harris, J. (2007) Working with Older People, London: Routledge
  • Tanner, D. and Gibson, A. (2007) Evaluation of Contact & Connect, Coventry Older People’s Partnership Project, Warwick: University of Warwick .
  • Payne, M, (2006) ‘International social work research and health inequalities’, Journal of Comparative Social Welfare, 22, 2, 115-124.
Conferences attended 2007-09 and papers



Title of Paper



Social Work And Social Care Research For The Health Agenda, SCIE, IRISS, JUC SWEC invited seminar, London

Bywaters, P. Reducing Health Inequalities: What Place for Social Work and Social Care Research?


Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Manchester.

Evans, T. Managers, Professional and Discretion in Street-Level Bureaucracies


Modernising Social Work onference, University of Worcester

Evans,T. Managing to be professional


International Federation of Social Workers, 19th World onference, Salvador, Brazil.

Bywaters, P. Challenging health inequalities: an international policy for social work (with Dr. Lindsey Napier)


Social Work Education Conference and 1st National Social Work Research Conference, Swansea.

Bywaters,P. The Role Of The Social Work And Health Inequalities Network In Developing International Social Work Research