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Brazilian Social Thought Network

Ranging from early frameworks on racial relations, revolutionary thought and postcolonial critique, to the ‘ontological turn’ in anthropology, Brazilian intellectual thought has been gradually influencing current Anglophone research in ethnology, anthropology and social sciences. Yet, social researchers and Latin Americanists do not have many opportunities to examine in-depth this intellectual tradition which has been transforming the way we understand postcolonial relations, racial struggles and ‘ontologies’ in the global South and beyond. This research network and its reading group aim to fill this gap by proposing a collective analysis of selected readings from the major contributors of this intellectual tradition. The group will revisit key texts of different approaches to Brazilian society (in anthropology, sociology, and politics), and look at a forgotten lineage/generation of intellectuals concerned with understanding and transforming Brazilian reality. The group is open to the wider academic community including postgraduate students interested in social research and Latin America.
Please see more details about the readings in the ‘Reading Group’ tab
To meet the organisers, see the ‘Organisers’ tab
& to join us, please register in the ‘Join the Network’ tab

Credit: Matheus Frade

Praça da Liberdade, Belo Horizonte