IATL/IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowship Competition 2019

The purpose of the role is to work with Warwick’s Institutes for Advanced Teaching and Learning (IATL) and Advanced Study (IAS) to develop interdisciplinary pedagogy (examples include, but are not limited to: open-space learning, the digital, medical or environmental humanities, education for sustainability and eco-pedagogy, wellbeing, innovation and entrepreneurship, community engagement, widening participation, humanitarian engineering and undergraduate research).
The programme supports a Warwick doctoral candidate in the transition phase between doctoral and postdoctoral careers. The Fellow is expected to advance the development of their research and teaching careers by designing non-modular pedagogic activities, and writing research publications, conference papers, job applications, and postdoctoral fellowship/grant proposals. The Fellow will engage with the interdisciplinary activities of both Institutes. The Fellowship is available on a 100% basis, and a 10 month bursary payment will be provided. As the Fellowship is full-time, holding other part-time employment in conjunction with it is strongly discouraged.
Taking guidance from both Institutes, the Fellow will develop a teachable project based on their own research with a view to experimenting with it in a series of interventions: examples of such interventions might include IATL and IAS events, Teaching and Learning showcases, and workshops on the Learning and Development Centre's Open Programme. The Fellow will spend the period from October 2019 to July 2020 shadowing IATL staff, developing a pedagogy for their project, completing their learning and teaching interventions with IATL and contributing to the department’s student engagement projects (e.g. Student Ensemble/Emerge, Undergraduate Research/ICUR and/or the Student-as-Producer Programme). They will also engage with the IAS programmes, including the Accolade Training programme during which time they will maintain an ePortfolio and contribute to the IAS's web-based resources for early career researchers.
Programme Specifications
The IATL/IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowship is open to Warwick students registered for a research-based doctorate at Warwick (excluding the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology). There will be a competition in June 2019 for Warwick doctoral students who have submitted or expect to submit their thesis for examination. Postgraduate doctoral research students who have submitted or expect to submit their thesis between 1 May 2019 and 30 September 2019 inclusive are eligible to apply.
Continuation of the Fellowship beyond the doctoral examination is contingent upon successful completion of the viva (i.e. a recommendation to award the PhD or other doctoral degree with or without minor corrections, but NOT a recommendation to resubmit/referral).
Candidates are required to live within a reasonable distance of the University, so as to participate in IAS, IATL and Graduate School activities, as appropriate. Candidates must be eligible for residence and work in the UK during their award.
Duration of Award
The IATL/IAS Fellowship will be awarded for a period of 10 months.
Value of Award
The successful Fellow will be paid a bursary for the duration of the 10 month Fellowship. . This will be calculated using 100% of the Research Council stipend (for 2019/20 this will be £15,009). In addition Fellows may claim up to £150 towards research expenses (e.g. towards costs of attending a conference) and £350 to hold a workshop activity. This expenditure must be agreed in advance with the Directors of IATL and IAS.
The Fellow will have access to hot-desking facilities in IATL as well as having access to the Warwick Library and Wolfson Research Exchange.
The closing date for applications is 12:00 noon on Friday 7th June 2019. Candidates who are shortlisted will be invited to an interview in June 2019 with the successful candidate being expected to take up the award on 1 October 2019. Postgraduate doctoral research students who have submitted or expect to submit their thesis between 1 May 2019 and 30 September 2019 inclusive are eligible to apply.
Application Procedure
Applications must be made electronically, using the IATL/IAS application form (on the right of this page). Completed applications will comprise:
- A completed application form received by the deadline
- A project statement of up to 1,000 words
- A statement of up to 150 words on how their research would benefit from/contribute to IATL and IAS.
- The CV of the applicant (the CV should be no more than 2 single-spaced, single sides of A4)
- 2 letters of reference emailed directly to IATL at warwick dot ac dot uk by the deadline
- Signatures of the applicant's Head of Department and Departmental Administrator
It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete with the academic references and reaches IATL by the closing date. Late or incomplete applications submitted will not be considered.
Selection Criteria and Process
Applicants will provide a narrative statement of 1,000 words (maximum) outlining the candidate's proposal for how they would teach about their chosen area of research and their proposed use of the time and facilities available to advance their postdoctoral teaching and research career. Additionally, they should provide a statement of 150 words (maximum) describing how their proposed teaching and research activities would benefit IATL and IAS.
Selection will be made on the basis of:
A. Academic Excellence (CV, two academic references, including one from PhD supervisor and one from teaching mentor) - the following will be taken into account:
- Previous teaching experience (including the facilitation of learning)
- Previous publication record, if any, arising from the doctoral research
- Length of time as a doctoral candidate
- Performance at interview
B. Quality of proposal, including:
- Ambition and scope of proposed programme of activities
- Potential of the proposed programme of activities to advance the candidate's postdoctoral career
- Feasibility (ability to accomplish stated goals within the Fellowship period).
C. Applicant's ability and willingness to situate his/her project within the broader interdisciplinary framework of IATL and IAS.
Applications will be considered by a panel of senior Warwick academic staff including the Directors of IATL and IAS.
Conditions of taking up the award
Bursaries will be continued beyond the doctoral examination date only when the viva is successfully passed (i.e. has resulted in a recommendation to award the PhD or other doctoral degree with or without minor corrections, but NOT to resubmit/be referred).
As the Fellowship is being awarded on a 100% basis it is expected that the Fellow will not take on employment that will conflict with being able to meet the requirements of the award. Any additional employment should be discussed with the Directors of IATL and IAS and their agreement sought.
Fellows should make best use of IATL, IAS and University facilities, for example through using the hot-desking and office space available in IATL, ePortfolios, the Library and careers advice through specialist Careers Consultants. Fellows are expected to attend IATL and IAS on a regular basis, including the Accolade Training Programme (currently held on Thursday afternoons) and to maintain systematic contact with the nominated supervisor(s) during the tenure of the award.
International students must ensure that they do not contravene the regulations of their visa and that acceptance of the award does not contravene any contractual obligations to an employer or sponsor.
Fellows will be required to submit a progress report at the end of February 2020, and a final report at the end of the award period in July 2020.
It is expected that candidates will acknowledge, in their workshops and publications, support received from the IATL/IAS Early Career Teaching Fellowship.