Student research recognised at the Warwick Research Celebration
On April 29th, the Warwick Research Celebration event brought our research community together to shine a light on our research excellence and the invaluable contributions our community makes to research, including an awards ceremony to recognise the contributions of individuals and teams to research successes. IATL's Student Research team was awarded Highly Commended in the Research Culture category, and helped to organise a display at the event where some excellent student researchers were featured along with their research posters. Congratulations to Emma Barker, Jane Bryan, Fiona Farnsworth, Caroline Gibson and Fiona O'Brien on the Student Research team as well as Anjali Jain (Law UG), Mineli Cooray (Life Sciences UG) and Kasia Jasiniewska (SMLC UG) who presented their research posters to the large and engaged research community attending the event.