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IATL Assessment Exhibition

IATL Assessment Exhibition

Welcome to the IATL Assessment Exhibition!

As a department that champions educational innovation in assessment, we are delighted to host a platform that showcases the originality of the assessment programmes IATL Module Convenors put together to facilitate the remarkable multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary work that students produce on IATL modules.

The student work on display is diverse, imaginative and individualised in a way that varies considerably within and across IATL modules. This space exists to celebrate outstanding work, regardless of mark received, and to encourage a longevity in the assignments that continues well beyond the time and space of the modules' run.

We encourage all UG and PG students who have taken an IATL module to consider showcasing and celebrating their work in this space – highlighting that while produced on an assessed module, the value of the work can extend far beyond the classroom.

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Undergraduate Modules

Applied Imagination
IL005/IL105Link opens in a new window

A theoretical understanding of imagination enabling reflection upon your own imaginative practices and those of others.

ChangeLink opens in a new window
IL032/IL132Link opens in a new window

The conditions and circumstances that foster oppression, our own positionality in relation to oppression and agency in order to be effective citizens in a democracy.

Creating Digital FuturesLink opens in a new window
IL138/IL438Link opens in a new window

Working in diverse interdisciplinary teams in response to a digital innovation competition brief set by Warwick’s incubator ‘Creative Futures’ in partnership with the Student Enterprise Fund.

Effective Decision MakingLink opens in a new window
IL042/IL142Link opens in a new window

Enhance your decision-making skills and empower you to deal with real-world complex problems in increasingly uncertain environments.

Entrepreneurship: A Critical PerspectiveLink opens in a new window
IL020/IL120Link opens in a new window

A critical approach to the authentic entrepreneurial process exploring the different facets of entrepreneurial activity.

Forms of IdentityLink opens in a new window
IL001/IL101Link opens in a new window

Investigating a plethora of identities and the notion that identity can shift, that it can be fragmented, and that a variety of identities can exist simultaneously.

Global Connections (EUTOPIA)Link opens in a new window
IL014/IL114Link opens in a new window

An insight into how globalisation changes our experiences of the world through complex, multidimensional processes.

Global Connections (Online)
Coming Soon
Genetics: Science and SocietyLink opens in a new window
IL023/IL123Link opens in a new window

An overview of the latest human genetic technologies and a focus on the interactions between science, society, politics, and culture.

Intercultural Communication in Theory and PracticeLink opens in a new window
IL043/IL143Link opens in a new window

Approach the theory and practice of intercultural communication in an accessible and interdisciplinary way by drawing on your diverse perspectives and experiences to unpack the complex relationship between communication and culture.

Local/Global ShakespearienceLink opens in a new window
IL021/IL121Link opens in a new window

Interrogate how Shakespeare, as a global playwright, can be indigenised and used as a platform for community identity and as a tool to explore contemporary issues of politics, race, class, gender and culture.

Navigating PsychopathologyLink opens in a new window
IL002/IL102Link opens in a new window

A critical consideration of psychiatry and psychopathology drawing on a variety of perspectives from a range of fields.

Public EngagementLink opens in a new window
IL036/IL136Link opens in a new window

A sound understanding of what engagement is and what it looks like in different disciplines; the mediums used to facilitate engagement and collaboration..

Reinventing EducationLink opens in a new window
IL008/IL108Link opens in a new window

Rethinking how we perceive and organise education, designing and justifying new ways of doing education that provide a better fit with our diverse and changing ways of living.

Re-thinking Health ScienceLink opens in a new window
IL039/IL139Link opens in a new window

This module is inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic to ask wider, more general questions about how we all think - and should think - about aspects of the theory and practice of health and medical sciences.

Science of MusicLink opens in a new window
IL016/IL116Link opens in a new window

An introduction to the relationships between science, music and mathematics and to the key abstract mathematical and physical concepts underlying sound.

Serious Tabletop Game DesignLink opens in a new window
IL031/IL131Link opens in a new window

Master serious play: learn about the mechanics, messages, and motivations of serious games in order to build your own educational tabletop game influenced by your Warwick degree.

Sport, Philosophy and PracticeLink opens in a new window
IL022/IL122Link opens in a new window

What precisely do we understand as 'sport' and what constitutes a sporting environment? What is the distinctive value and nature of sport in human experience? How do ethics, aesthetics, and a search for knowledge about ourselves and the world factor into our sporting endeavours? Where does sport as an extra-curricular activity meet established curricula? These are just some of the questions this module will invite you to explore.

The AI Revolution: Ethics, Technology and SocietyLink opens in a new window
IL041/IL141Link opens in a new window

Exploring the history of AI, what now and what next. As a 'wicked problem', AI brings uncertainty and complexity, and to understand and respond we need to apply interdisciplinary thinking which allows us to see through multiple disciplinary perspectives and ways of understanding.

The Slow Movement: Interdisciplinary Adventures in Time and PaceLink opens in a new window
IL037/IL137Link opens in a new window

This module examines how the slow movement, which started in Italy in the mid-1980s, has sought to resist the acceleration of modern society.

Understanding Wellbeing Theory and PracticeLink opens in a new window
IL028/IL128Link opens in a new window

Engagement in wellbeing in its complexity and the relevance of a holistic approach in order to solve the issues related to it.

Your Idea, Your Research: How to Pursue your Passion ProjectLink opens in a new window
IL040/IL140Link opens in a new window

This dynamic module, new for 2024-25, introduces you to the field of research and will support you to explore and reimagine what interdisciplinary research looks like. It aims to give you the space to develop your own ‘passion project’.

The Slow Movement: Interdisciplinary Adventures in Time and PaceLink opens in a new window
IL037/IL137Link opens in a new window

This module examines how the slow movement, which started in Italy in the mid-1980s, has sought to resist the acceleration of modern society.

Postgraduate Modules

Creating Digital FuturesLink opens in a new window
IL938Link opens in a new window

Working in diverse interdisciplinary teams in response to a digital innovation competition brief set by Warwick’s incubator ‘Creative Futures’ in partnership with the Student Enterprise Fund.

Design Thinking for Social ImpactLink opens in a new window
IL924Link opens in a new window

Co-create solutions to the challenges faced by communities around the world. Understand the role of designers in helping people to develop innovative solutions that work for them. Challenge discrimination, colonialism, and inequality in business and society.

Habitability in the UniverseLink opens in a new window
IL907Link opens in a new window

Confronting issues of habitability and sustainability, on earth and across the universe.

Humanitarian LawLink opens in a new window
IL915Link opens in a new window

This module aims to consider the increasingly complex inter-relationship between law and humanitarianism.

Thinking WaterLink opens in a new window
IL905Link opens in a new window

Present the topic of water in its complexity and get involved at every stage of the learning process so you can discover, research and experiment the great potentialities of a holistic approach to the matter.

Public EngagementLink opens in a new window
IL926/IL939Link opens in a new window

A sound understanding of what engagement is and what it looks like in different disciplines; the mediums used to facilitate engagement and collaboration..

Currently Inactive Modules

An Introduction to Design ThinkingLink opens in a new window
IL029/IL129Link opens in a new window

Co-create solutions to the challenges faced by communities around the world. Understand the role of designers in helping people to develop innovative solutions that work for them. Challenge discrimination, colonialism, and inequality in business and society.

Censorship and SocietyLink opens in a new window
IL018/IL118Link opens in a new window

A theoretical understanding of imagination enabling reflection upon your own imaginative practices and those of others.

Feminist DissentLink opens in a new window

A look at global and intersectional-feminist movements which challenge ongoing crises of capitalism and resources.

[Pictured artwork at top of page from Genetics: Science and Society (cropped), by Jahazaib Johngir, School of Life Sciences]