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Living in the Silver Lining

Sophie Shaw

I’m Sophie, a 2nd year undergraduate Economics, Psychology and Philosophy student. I opted to take the Genetics module in the IATL department because I was captured by the interdisciplinary structure of the course, with guest lecturers from a different department each week exploring a variety of viewpoints on issues within the topic.

- Sophie Shaw

About the Project

My assessed piece of work is a tapestry entitled ‘Living in the Silver Lining’.

My piece came to fruition out of a desire to continue bridging the gap between the depth of understanding had by those with lived experience of genetic illness and those without. Where there is often a belief that a diagnosis of a genetic illness is all ‘doom and gloom,’ I aimed to present a focus on living in the silver lining and ways in which art and society can help to facilitate and engage with a more positive mentality.

- Sophie Shaw