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Academic Results and Wellbeing

Abi Booth

Abi Booth studied English Language and Linguistics at Warwick from 2018 to 2021, achieving a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours. Part of this study were the IATL modules Reinventing Education in her second year and Understanding Wellbeing the following year.

About the Project

This is for the students who, like me, waste countless hours worrying about their academic success.

This is for the students who never feel quite good enough but have spent years trying to prove they are anyway.

This is for the students who feel physically ill at the thought of an exam, and even more ill at the thought of not achieving an A in one.

But this is also for anyone at all. I welcome you all to engage, to perhaps think differently, or want to ask questions after reading this piece. I would like, at very least, for this piece to encourage you to reflect on what education means to you, because I am about to share what it means to me.

- Abi Booth