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Chemistry Vas Stavros Group

Vas Stavros Group

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Our group studies the ultrafast dynamics of excited states in nature-inspired molecules using gas-phase time resolved ion yield and velocity map ion imaging spectroscopies along with solution-phase transient electronic and vibrational absorption spectroscopies.


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IAS Residential Fellows visit the Stavros Group from Lisbon

During the week of the 14th to the 18th of October, Nat hosted Prof. Manuel Prieto and Prof. Berberan-Santos from the Instituto Superior Técnico of Lisbon, who visited Warwick thanks to an IAS Residential Fellowship. The week consisted many talks, tutorials, meetings and experiments on new collaborative research on organic LEDs. And, of course, a trip to our favourite Afghani restaurant! It was a pleasure to welcome our visitors and we hope to meet them again soon.


Tue 29 Oct 2019, 18:07

Mitch and Emily make the mainstream media!

Following a recent publication in Nature Comms (Towards symmetry driven and nature inspired UV filter design, Mitch and Emily's work made the mainstream media, catching the attention of both The Independent and The Telegraph, who both published articles based on the work.

Link to the article in The Independent:

And in The Telegraph:

Tue 29 Oct 2019, 16:48

Faraday highlights paper published

After attending the Faraday Discussion that took place in Ventura, CA, USA last April, on Ultrafast Photoinduced Energy and Charge Transfer, Nat, Jack, Matt, Konstantina, Mitch and Vas wrote a paper that collects the highlights of the conference. It has now been published and can be accessed under the DOI 10.1039/C9CC90297J. Well done, all!

Tue 23 Jul 2019, 11:53

16.11.2018 Nat and Neil's paper on methyl anthranilate quantum beats accepted!

Nat and Neil's paper on 'Wavepacket insights into the photoprotection mechenism of the UV filter methyl anthranilate' has been accepted in Nature Comm. Many congratulations to Nat and Neil, as well as collaborators from Tim Zwier's group at Purdue.

Mon 19 Nov 2018, 05:31

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