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Dr Zhenhui Yuan



I received my (Software Engineering) at Wuhan University, China, in 2008 and PhD (Electronic Engineering) at Dublin City University, Ireland, in 2012. My research interests lie in communications and networking field. I was the postdoc researcher (2012-2014) funded by Ericsson and the visiting scholar (2014) at the Network Research Lab in UCLA, U.S. I was the 3GPP delegate and Senior Engineer (2014-2015) on 5G at Huawei (Shanghai). During 2015-2019, I was the Associate Professor in the Key Lab of RF Circuits and Systems (Ministry of Education) at Hangzhou Dianzi Univeristy, China. I was the co-founder and CTO (2015-2019) at RobSense Technology, a SME that designs UAVs and robotic swarm products. RobSense received over 10 million RMB venture investment since 2015. In 2020, I became a Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University, UK. Since 2023, I have been an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick, leading the Connected Robotics Lab. I won the best paper awards at IEEE ICCRE 2016 and IEEE BMSB 2014. I served as the Guest Editor in IEEE Network and IEEE IoT-Journal, and the Associate Editor at IEEE ACCESS, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics and Journal. Pervasive Computing & Communications. I'm a voting member for IEEE P1954 on UAV communications.

Research Interests

Teaching Interests

Selected Publications

Projects and Grants



Advice and feedback hours

Fridays, 10 am to 12 noon during term time or by appointment.

Write to

School of Engineering, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL