Dr Alexander Darlington | Publications
Journal publications
[10] J Kim, S Lee, APS Darlington, J Kim (submitted) "Inactivation of FleQ empowers Pseudomonas putida to exhibit nutrient quality independent gene expression capacity"
[9] J Kim*, APS Darlington*, DG Bates and JI Jiménez (submitted) "The interplay between growth rate and nutrient quality defines gene expression capacity." Preprint available on bioRxiv at doi: 10.1101/2021.04.02.438188
[8] H Peng, APS Darlington, EJ South, HH Chen, W Jiang & R Ledesma-Amaro (2024) "A molecular toolkit of cross-feeding strains for engineering synthetic yeast communities." Nature Microbiology doi 10.1038/s41564-023-01596-4
[7] APS Darlington and DG Bates (2020) "Architectures for combined transcriptional and translational resource allocation controllers." Cell Systems, 11(4), pp. 382-392.
[6] J Kim*, APS Darlington*, M Salvador, J Utrilla, and JI Jiménez (2020) "Trade-offs between gene expression, growth and phenotypic diversity in microbial populations." Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 62, pp. 29-37.
[5] APS Darlington, J Kim, and DG Bates (2019) “Robustness analysis of a synthetic translational resource allocation controller.” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 3(2), pp. 266-271. (published in the Special issue on Control and Network Theory for Biological Systems)
[4] I Cazimoglu, APS Darlington, A Grigonyte, CEG Hoskin, J Liu, R, Oppenheimer, JA Siller-Farfan, R Carlise, C Grierson and A Papachristodoulou (2019) “Development of a Graduate Training Programme in Synthetic Biology: SynBioCDT.” OUP Synthetic Biology, 4(1), ysz006. (Open access) (published in a Special issue on Education)
[3] APS Darlington, J Kim, JI Jiménez, and DG Bates (2018) “Engineering translational resource allocation controllers: Mechanistic models, design rules and biological implementations.” ACS Synthetic Biology, 7(11), pp. 2485-2496
[2] APS Darlington*, J Kim*, JI Jiménez, and DG Bates (2018) “Dynamic allocation of orthogonal ribosomes facilitates uncoupling of co-expressed genes.” Nature Communications, 9, e695.
[1] AW Cuthbert, M Murthy, and APS Darlington (2015) “Neural control of submucosal gland and apical membrane secretions in airways.” Physiological Reports 3(6) e12398.
Peer-reviewed Conference proceedings
[10] DP Byrom, DG Bates and APS Darlington "Selection of control inputs for enhancing the long-term performance of synthetic gene circuits" (submitted)
[9] APS Darlington, AA Mannan and DG Bates "Host-aware design of a cellular closed loop control strategy for activating biomanufacturing genetic switches" (submitted)
[8] DP Byrom and APS Darlington. "On the implications of controller resource consumption for the long-term performance of synthetic gene circuits." Proc. of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Singapore.
[7] APS Darlington, A Mannan, and DG Bates. "Natural host feedback simplifies the design of metabolic switches." Proc. of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Singapore.
[6] APS Darlington and DG Bates (2022) “Performance and robustness analysis of control strategies for ameliorating cellular host-circuit interactions” Proc. of the 20th IEEE European Control Conference, London, UK.
[5] APS Darlington and DG Bates (2020) “Robustness analysis of combined transcriptional and translational resource allocation controllers.” Proc. of the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany
[4] APS Darlington and DG Bates (2019) “Combining transcriptional and translational resource allocation controllers for synthetic circuits.” Proc. of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France.
[3] APS Darlington and DG Bates (2018) “On the design of integral translational resource allocation controllers for synthetic cellular circuitry.” Proc. of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami, FL, USA
[2] APS Darlington, J Kim, JI Jiménez and DG Bates (2017) “Design of a translational resource allocation controller to manage cellular resource limitations.” Proc. of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Toulouse, France available as IFAC-PapersOnLine, 50 (1), pp. 12653-12660,
[1] APS Darlington and DG Bates (2016) “Host-aware modelling of a synthetic genetic oscillator.” Proc. of the 38th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Orlando, FL, USA.