Dr Elia Gironacci

Dr Elia Gironacci
Director of Studies, Civil and Environmental Engineering
E dot Gironacci dot 1 at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0) 24 7652 8699
- BSc in Construction Engineering and Buildings Recovery (2010) from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Marche (Ancona, Italy)
- MSc in Construction Engineering (2013, Hons) from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Marche (Ancona, Italy)
- PhD in Computational Mechanics (2018) from the School of Engineering, University of Warwick (Coventry, UK) supervised by Dr Mohaddeseh Mousavi Nezhad and Prof J Toby Mottram
Research Interests
- Computational modelling of crack propagation of quasi-brittle materials with heterogeneous structure
- Thermo-fracture mechanics
- Engineering Education: learning experience for apprentices
2023-24 Teaching
- ES196 Statics and Structures (Module Leader)
- ES1A4 Statics and Structures for Degree Apprenticeship (Module Leader)
- ES192 Engineering Design
- ES2C6 Electromechanical System Design
- Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (BEng) Degree Apprenticeship Tutor
Publications and conferences
- Davis, J. P., Gironacci, E., McGowan, S., Nyamapfene, A., Rattray, J., Tierney, A., Webb, A. (2023). Threshold Concepts in the Moment. Brill
Book Chapters
- Rodgers, A. S., Agg, C., Gironacci, E., Collingwood, J. F., & Popham, T. J. (2023). An Innovative Framework for the Design of Higher Education STEM Induction Programmes. In Perspectives on Enhancing Student Transition Into Higher Education and Beyond (pp. 69-94). IGI Global
Journal Papers
- Nezhad, M. M., Fisher, Q. J., Gironacci, E., & Rezania, M. (2018). Experimental study and numerical modeling of fracture propagation in shale rocks during Brazilian disk test. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51(6), 1755-1775.
- Gironacci, E., Nezhad, M. M., Rezania, M., & Lancioni, G. (2018). A non-local probabilistic method for modeling of crack propagation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 144, 897-908.
- Mousavi Nezhad, M., Gironacci, E., Rezania, M., & Khalili, N. (2018). Stochastic modelling of crack propagation in materials with random properties using isometric mapping for dimensionality reduction of nonlinear data sets. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 113(4), 656-680.
- Gironacci, E., Mousavi Nezhad, M., (2017). Non-linear dimensionality reduction technique of random fields applied on fracture mechanics problems .2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering UNCECOMP, Rhodes Island, Greece.
- Gironacci, E., Mousavi Nezhad, M., Rezania, M., (2015). Modelling of crack propagation in brittle heterogeneous materials.The 23rd Annual Conference on Computational Mechanics, Swansea, UK.
- Mousavi Nezhad, M., Gironacci, E., Rezania M., Fisher, Q., (2015). Computational modelling of crack propagation in shale-gas reservoir rocks. The 23rd Annual Conference on Computational Mechanics, Swansea, UK.
- Gironacci, E., Mousavi Nezhad M., Mottram, J.T., (2015). Modelling of crack propagation of brittle heterogeneous materials. Young Researchers Forum, The Institution of Structural Engineers, London, UK.
Projects and Grants
Roles and Responsibilities
- Director of Studies (DoS), Civil and Environmental Engineering Stream
- Degree Apprenticeship in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Programme Manager (until February 2022)
- Degree Apprenticeship in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Apprenticeship Tutor
- University Apprenticeship Tutor Network (ATN) Chair
- School of Engineering Education Committee member
- School of Engineering Health & Safety Committee member