Professor Evgeny Rebrov

Professor Evgeny Rebrov
Professor of Chemical Engineering
E dot Rebrov at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0) 24 7652 2202
2020 - NIOK member; Associated Editor of Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
2019 - Honorary Visiting Research Professor, University of Adelaide
2014 - Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Warwick
2012 - DSc in Chemical Engineering; IChemE member
2010 - Professor of Process and Reactor Engineering, Queen's University Belfast
2003 - Assistant Professor, Eindhoven University of Technology
1999 - PhD in Physical Chemistry, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
1995 - MSc in Chemistry (cum laude, Novosibirsk State University)
Research Interests
- Multiphase chemical reactors
- Catalytic plastic pyrolysis
- Inductive and microwave heating
- Non-thermal plasma
- Magnetic materials
Professor Rebrov's current research is at the interface between material nano-engineering and catalytic reactor engineering with a strong focus on the application of nonconventional energy sources, such as microwave, radiofrequency fields and UV light, to activate catalysts and to intensify reaction and transport processes. The research is focused on the understanding and controlling of the interaction of physical transport and reaction processes at all relevant time and length scales in the realization and testing of these chemical reactors for a wide range of applications and processes.
Energy Intensified Reactor Engineering Lab
PhD positions available:
Design of a two-temperature plasma reactorLink opens in a new window
ES4D9 - Heat transfer theory and design (Module leader)
ES97B - Bioenergy and Biotechnology (co-lecturer)
Selected Publications
- E.V. Rebrov, P.Z. Gao, Molecular catalysts for OER/ORR in Zn-Air batteries, Catalysts 13 (2023) 1289.
- A. Bogaerts, G. Centi, V. Hessel, E.V. Rebrov Challenges in unconventional catalysis, Catal. Today 420 (2023) 114180.
- Ellwood, L.A. Živković, P. Denissenko, R.Sh. Abiev, E.V. Rebrov, M. Petkovska, Process Intensification in photocatalytic decomposition of formic acid over a TiO2 catalyst by forced periodic modulation of concentration, temperature, flowrate and light intensity, Processes 9 (2021) 2046.
- S.L. Wong, S. Armenise, B.B. Nyakuma, A. Bogush, S. Towers, C.H. Lee, K.Y. Wong, T.H. Lee, E.V. Rebrov, M. Muñoz, Plastic pyrolysis over HZSM-5 zeolite and fluid catalytic cracking catalyst under ultra-fast heating, J. Analytical Applied Pyrolysis, 169 (2023) 105793.
- N. Cherkasov, A.O.Ibhadon, E.V. Rebrov, Novel synthesis of thick wall coatings of titania supported Bi poisoned Pd catalysts and application in selective hydrogenation of acetylene alcohols in capillary microreactors. Lab Chip 15 (2015) 1952-1960.
- S.Chatterjee, V. Degirmenci, E.V. Rebrov, Design and operation of a radio-frequency heated micro-trickle bed reactor for consecutive catalytic reactions, Chem. Eng. J. 281 (2015) 884–891.
- E.V. Rebrov, J.C. Schouten, M.H.J.M. de Croon, Single-phase fluid flow distribution and heat transfer in microstructured reactors, Chem. Eng. Sci. 66 (2011) 1374-1393.
- E.V. Rebrov, Two phase flow regimes in microchannels, Theor. Found. Chem. Eng., 44 (2010) 355-367.
E.V. Rebrov, I.Z. Ismagilov, R.P. Ekatpure, M.H.J.M. De Croon, J.C. Schouten, Header design for flow equalization in microstructured reactors, AIChE Journal, 53 (2007) 28–38.
A full publication record can be found on ScopusLink opens in a new window and ResearcherIDLink opens in a new window
Projects and Grants
Keynote Lectures (selection)
E.V. Rebrov, Magnetic Catalysts and Catalytic Magnets: Never the twain? 15th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat-15), Prague, Czech Republic, 26 August – 1 September 2023.
- E.V. Rebrov, Process intensification in formic acid decomposition via periodic modulation of flow rate in a catalytic microreactor, 16th Int. Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET-16), Melbourne, Australia, November 27-30, 2022.
E.V. Rebrov, Structured reactors under inductive heating, Int. Conference on Unconventional Catalysis, Reactors and Applications, (UCRA2019), Zaragoza, October 16-18, 2019.
- E.V. Rebrov, Magnetic framework composites: energy efficient materials for fine chemicals synthesis and fast adsorbent regeneration, 2nd Int. Conference on Materials Science and Engineering, San Francisco, CA, USA, February 18-20, 2019.
- E.V. Rebrov, Three-in-one functional magnetic catalysts: Fast heating, mixing and separation in gas-liquid reactions, 255th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 19, 2018.
- E.V. Rebrov, Unconventional techniques in conventional operation of multiphase microreactors: the key to unlock the low yield environment, 14th Int. Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET-14), Beijing, China, September 11-14, 2016.
- E.V. Rebrov, Development of novel core-shell composite magnetic materials for radiofrequency heating. 2nd conference “Research and Development in Chemistry and Technology of Functional Materials”, Apatity, Russia, November 25-27, 2015.
- E.V. Rebrov, Reaction intensification by induction heating and ultrasonic cavitation, 21st Int. Conference on Chemical Reactors “Chemreactor-21”, Delft, the Netherlands, September 22-25, 2014.
Spin-out company
Stoli Chem Link opens in a new windowhas created a brand-new catalyst coating technology offering more energy efficient, lower capital investment and higher quality production techniques. The company is already working with a number of well-known companies on a national and international level to both test and prove its technology. Prof Rebrov is a co-founder of the company.