The School of Engineering PATHWAY Scheme
Award Details
The University of Warwick will offer up to 3 PATHWAY PhD studentships for the 2024/25 academic year.
This will cover:
The full payment of UK/international fees
- A maintenance stipend paid at the prevailing UKRI rate for 3.5 year
Additionally, the National Centre for Research CultureLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window will hold networking opportunities for researchers participating in the scheme, through workshops, conferences and networking events.
The NCRC will also facilitate conference attendance and external networking, set up mentoring and hold information events.
Application deadline: 5th April 2024
Eligible candidates should complete part 1 and 2 of the application shown below.
- Late applications will not be accepted.
- Results will be communicated to departments and the successful scholar by the end of May 2024.
The scheme is open to both UK nationals eligible for registration as Home students and international students.
Applicants must self-identify as members of one of the following ethnic groups:
- Black African
- Black Caribbean
- Black Other
- Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
- Mixed – White and Black African
- Other mixed background (to include Black African, Black Caribbean or Black Other)
Applicants must not already be enrolled on a PhD programme at the University of Warwick
Application process
How to Apply - Stage 1
Stage 1. Submit your application before the 5th April 2024.
Apply for admission for your MPhil/PhD in Engineering and obtain your 7-digit ID number.
Department: School of Engineering
Academic Year: 2024/25
Mode of Study: Full-time
Type of course:Postgraduate Research
Course:Engineering (MPhil/PhD) (P-H1Q2)
Read our guide to making a successful applicationLink opens in a new window
School of Engineering PATHWAY Scheme
Contact details:
How to Apply - Stage 2
Stage 2. Submit your scholarship application by the 5th April 2024. You will need to prepare and submit the following:
- Your University of Warwick 7-digit ID number
- Your CV
- In 300 words or less, describe how best you meet the person and preparedness descriptors. Consider your academic history, skills and expertise, professional experience, and awards or publications.
- In 500 words or less, describe how best you meet the project and place descriptors. You may wish to consider the significance of your project, engagement with relevant literature, and the project’s fit with your proposed supervisor and department. How will you and/or your project contribute to Warwick’s commitment to excellence in research and education through the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion?
- In 500 words or less, summarise your research proposal as appropriate to your discipline and your ability to complete it. For very technical disciplines where advanced details might be beyond the current research of an undergraduate or postgraduate taught degree, candidates are encouraged to describe the general area and fundamental open problems that motivate you to pursue the topic, as well as commenting on your academic background and suitability to conduct the research.