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Fourth-year MEng group awarded the School of Engineering Group Innovation Award

The fourth-year MEng group, supervised by Dr Davide Piaggio, has just been awarded the School of Engineering Group Innovation Award for their project on a device for screening for and monitoring neurodegeneration in the elderly, for which they scored a high first class.

"This project was initially proposed by one of the students, Ben Hoskings, and I decided to embark on the adventure of supervising my first fourth-year project. Since when I met the team, I had no doubt in their skills and I thought that this could really go somewhere. We have now applied for the Eutopia PhD Co-tutelle with VUB, to see whether we can take this forward. Congratulations to all the awardees, it was a pleasure working with you!" Davide Piaggio

Tue 09 Jul 2024, 13:48 | Tags: Biomedicalengineering, internet of things, medical devices