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News: ABSPIE recent initiatives

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University of Warwick Contributes to Frugal Innovation Bootcamp

Dr. Davide Piaggio from the University of Warwick played a key role in the "IoT and AI for Frugal Innovation 2024" bootcamp, hosted by Università Campus Bio-Medico of Rome. Dr. Piaggio, along with PhD student James Wallace, led sessions on frugal innovation, 3D printing design, and blood pressure estimation using PPG signals. The bootcamp, supported by the Biomedical Engineering Institute and the Society & Culture Spotlight, provided students with hands-on learning in resource-constrained environments, with special recognition for scholarship recipient Dr. Gamal Abdulnaser Yahya Al-Kawsi.

Fourth-year MEng group awarded the School of Engineering Group Innovation Award

The fourth-year MEng group, supervised by Dr Davide Piaggio, has just been awarded the School of Engineering Group Innovation Award for their project on a device for screening for and monitoring neurodegeneration in the elderly, for which they scored a high first class.

"This project was initially proposed by one of the students, Ben Hoskings, and I decided to embark on the adventure of supervising my first fourth-year project. Since when I met the team, I had no doubt in their skills and I thought that this could really go somewhere. We have now applied for the Eutopia PhD Co-tutelle with VUB, to see whether we can take this forward. Congratulations to all the awardees, it was a pleasure working with you!" Davide Piaggio

Tue 09 Jul 2024, 13:48 | Tags: medical devices, Biomedicalengineering, internet of things

ABSPIE Lab involved in pandemic preparedness and antimicrobial research with the House of Lords

Katy Stokes, PhD student in the ABSPIE Lab with Prof Leandro Pecchia has started working on a part-time Parliamentary Internship with the British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. Working directly with House of Lords member Baroness Natalie Bennett, Katy has supported publication of two articles exploring the interconnectedness of pandemic preparedness and antimicrobial resistance and the role of deforestation in driving antimicrobial resistance. 

The first article features research outputs from the ABSPIE Lab, in particular from a project led by Dr Davide Piaggio in collaboration with Dr Camilla Audia (Assistant Professor in Global Sustainable Development), and Prof Sharifah Sekalala and Haleema Masud (School of Law). The research: “Pandemic Management and Preparedness – Telemedicine and the Role of Innovative Technologies in Securing a Safer Future” discusses key lessons learned from the literature and 2023 European Parliament Interest Group event.

ABSPIE publication success – Pandemic Preparedness: A Scoping Review of Best and Worst Practices from COVID-19

This work was undertaken between the ABSPIE lab, Dr Camilla Audia (Assistant Professor in Global Sustainable Development), and Prof Sharifah Sekalala and Haleema Masud (School of Law). The article discusses key lessons learned from the literature and the 2023 European Parliament Interest Group event, “Pandemic Management and Preparedness – Telemedicine and the Role of Innovative Technologies in Securing a Safer Future”.

ABSPIE's contributions at the 16th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON)

The 16th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) and the 5th International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (CMBEBIH) were held from September, 14 until 16, 2023, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The conference was supported and endorsed by IFMBELink opens in a new window (Prof Leandro Pecchia is Secretary General) and EAMBES (Prof Leandro Pecchia is Past President) and the ABSPIE lab represented the School of Engineering of the University of Warwick in this international gathering and had a great participation. The event, which was attended by delegates from all over the world, focused on the importance of biomedical engineering and healthcare technology in addressing various healthcare and global challenges and aimed also to enable participants to establish valuable business contacts, exchange ideas and experiences, and develop collaborations in the field of digitalization.

The contributions of the ABSPIE Lab were numerous.

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