ABSPIE seminar series
March 10th 16 - 18 - Seminars: on Tiba Vent team of Ventilators innovators from Kenyatta University - winner of the 2020 UN 🇺🇳 Person of the Year Award
Tiba Vent team from Kenyatta University (Nairobi, Kenya) will present a mechanical ventilator named Tiba vent.
This group is the winner of the 2020 UN 🇺🇳 Person of the Year Award
This mechanical ventilator was designed, developed and prototyped during the first wave of COVID-19 when the whole world was entering local lockdowns.
A multidisciplinary team comprising biomedical engineers, medical doctors, software and electronic engineers teamed up to create the first ever made patient ventilator in Kenya.
Tiba vent, currently under clinical ventilation, was designed taking into consideration international standards and standards from the Kenya Bureau of standards, as well as the world health organisation’s guidelines.
This webinar presented the team of students from Kenya, as well as the innovative medical device they prototyped.