GALOIS - A program for the generation of:-
Finite Fields -- Maximum Length Sequences -- Pseudorandom Signals
Suppression of harmonic multiples of 2 and 3 when q = 7,13,19,25 and 31;
Suppression of harmonic multiples of 2, 3 and 5 when q = 31.
The data in all windows may be viewed, saved or printed and an extensive help facility is available.
GALOIS is made freely available on this website by permission of Professor H.A.Barker of the University of Wales, Swansea.
If it is used to obtain results that are subsequently published, then this website should be quoted as the source and an appropriate acknowledgement made.
GALOIS will run on computers with most versions of Windows. It requires a screen area of 1024 by 768 pixels and small fonts.
To install GALOIS, click here to download the zipped file
Extract the zipped files into a folder galois containing the application GALOIS.
If required, create a shortcut for the application and place the icon on the desktop.
To run GALOIS, double-click the application GALOIS or the shortcut icon.