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Student Engagement in Electronics through Microcontroller Experiential Learning

Aim: Provide a series of student led workshops based on the Arduino microcontroller board.

This is an opportunity to learn Arduino (not taught at the School of Engineering) and enhance students programming skills. The project involves student “mentors” (20%) with knowledge in microcontrollers and programming and student “learners” (80%). This student led teaching approach is expected to improve the student communication skills and their confidence in tackling unfamiliar problems. The project will enable them to identify more career/innovation opportunities in multidisciplinary fields.

Project lead: Dr Christos Mias Project team-students: Mr Alex Bucknall; Mr Stephen Pithouse; Mr Akira Tiele Collaborative Partners: DDLS; Dr Chris Purssell Funded by: WIHEA Budget: £3,592.00 End of project: July 2016

The delivered Arduino workshops can be found at