Advisory Board
The Advisory Board will provide a strategic overview to the project. It will consist of the Management Committee plus Industrial, NGO, EPSRC and Government representatives will meet every six months for progress briefings, feedback, and discussion of future research directions.
The Management Committee oversees the research and dissemination activities, external relations, project progress against milestones, IP management, financial management etc. of the Centre and comprises:
- Bob Critoph (School of Engineering, University of Warwick) is Director of i-STUTE and responsible for WP3 (Space Heating).
- David Elmes (Warwick Business School) is responsible for WP1 (Economics, Policy and Behaviour).
Phil Eames (University of Loughborough) is Deputy Director of i-STUTE, responsible for WP4 (Low Temperature Process Heat) and has particular interest in heat storage.
Neil Hewitt (Ulster University) is responsible for WP2 (Cooling).
Graeme Maidment(LSBU) is responsible for WP0 (Dissemination/Networking).
The Board will have a chair selected from outside the MC (Hywel Davies, Technical Director of CIBSE) with the PM acting as secretary. In the event of disagreement among the MC, the Chair of the Board and, if need be, the entire Board will act as an impartial arbiter.
The Board will also have international membership: Dr Stephen White, Energy for Buildings Manager, CSIRO Energy Transformed Flagship, Australia and Dr Peter Schossig, Fraunhofer ISE, Germany, who will attend annually and participate electronically at other times. This will have the advantages of ensuring our approach is not too insular and of improving international dissemination.