Research Excellence Framework 2021
The REF is the UK’s system for assessing the quality of research in the country’s higher education institutions, last carried out in 2014.
Expert panels made up of senior academics, international members, and research users, review submissions from universities for each of the 34 subject-based units of assessment. Submissions are assessed on the quality of outputs, such as publications, performances, and exhibitions, their impact beyond academia, and the environment that supports research.
Each of these receives a star rating, with 4* or ‘world-leading’ being the highest.
The School of Engineering (SoE) is closely aligned with WMG, and submitted jointly to the same unit for the Research Excellence Framework (REF2021).
Our Impact
We're proud to be one of the leading unified engineering schools in the UK. Our approach brings together diverse themes such as energy, biomedical engineering and urban construction. With a strong track record of collaborating with industrial partners, our findings aren't confined to the lab. Led by our internationally renowned researchers, Warwick is changing engineering around the globe.
Select one of our exemplars below to see how Warwick's engineers are making a difference.

Impact of Fire and Explosion Research on Industrial Practices and Government Policy
Using CFD Modelling for Hydrogen Safety MeasuresOur Research and Impact Strategy
- Build and maintain critical mass in areas of global importance to make fundamental and applied research contributions of major international significance;
- Nurture and develop the next generation of engineers and scientists, steeped in interdisciplinarity and innovation, and attuned to collaborating with and impacting on industry;
- Build and maintain partnerships with industry and external stakeholders, facilitating fast routes to substantive and tangible impact;
- Build and maintain interdisciplinary, collaborative networks and partnerships within and beyond the University and UK.
2014-2021: highlights
- £5M University investment in Engineering Build Space including 3D printing, metal additive manufacturing system and laser and water jet cutters
- We achieved the Athena SWAN Silver Award - recognising our drive for equal opportunities at all levels
- We hosted the 18th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists, chaired by Prof. Georgia Kremmyda
- Practical responses to the COVID-19 pandemic including: production of 3D printed face-shields; research on ventilation methods for COVID-19 patients; and a project on the use of robotics and AI to alleviate hospital strain in disaster situations.
- Contributions to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26 )