Meeting Minutes 31/01/12
Open Day Poster Presentation
Go to the ESO first to receive labels and directions
Runs from 10:30-12:30
10:30-11:30 Adrian, Daniel
11:30-12 Laura, Charlie
12:00-12:30 Charlie, Tom
Have a journal and going to find a relationship (equation) between stiffness, and shape properties (diameter, thickness, stiffness).
This will go into tom’s matlab model
Dynamically referencing tables. Table that references the other tables (index).
Found a problem with the algo. It is now plotting well, but the diameter needs to be tweaked.
Once I have got the algo working with the basic geometry, I will then start looking at making it work with the actual geometry.
Grid Independence
Using a pressure difference now instead of a velocity inlet
So the grid independence test is still going
Pretty much done with the grid independence for the trachea
Looking at the small, looked at the medium airway using a pressure difference.
Finishing preiliminary simulations by Thursday and then will go back onto particle simulation.
We have this next week and we need to provide material on our sections
It is either Monday or friday