09/02/12 Pre-Meeting
3D Presentation slides
Have to change his slides as they have the Solidworks model
Now he has the actual model
He also has a good graph to include
Thinks that the problem of his grid independence test not settling is because of the way he is plotting it
Can contribute more pictures
1D Presentation Slides
Will produce some slides for the graphs of the 1D model
General 1D chat
We need to ask Dr. Chung about the change of diameter
Do we have 1 inlet, two outlets? (gives change in diameter over generation), or 1 inlet, 1 inlet?
Also need to ask him about the angle change
I.e. the overall angle gives the change in momentum
Which gives friction?
Initial angle gives the flow rate
But this is a very small area to work with (i.e. 3 points)
I.e. not many points to generate a vector from.