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Warwick Engineering International Scholarships

Encouraging ideas and hard work

We are proud to announce up to five scholarships available to first year undergraduate overseas students studying Engineering at Warwick who join us in 2020.


"There has never been a time of greater promise, or greater peril" [Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum].

At a time of increasing opportunities afforded by technology and social progress, as well as recognition of the challenges the world is facing, Engineers are expected to respond with innovative solutions that are increasingly international and multidisciplinary.

Further information

- Each scholarship consists of £4,000 financial assistance

- The scholarships are open to students who have confirmed the School of Engineering University of Warwick as their firm/first choice and will commence studies in 2020. If you do not yet hold an offer, you can apply via the UCAS website 

- The scholarships are open to students who are classified as Overseas students for the admissions process

- The scholarships cannot be held at the same time with Women in Engineering or Warwick Merit Scholarships

- The scholarships are considered and awarded by the end of February 2021

- Applications open in October 2020

How to apply

Details of how to apply will be confirmed nearer the time.