Available Projects for 2025 entry
Prof. James Kermode, HetSys Director:
The following projects are now recruiting for an October 2025 start. Our projects are fully funded, offer a stipend to cover living expenses and research training support.
Alongside this runs the HetSys' training programme. Designed to enable students to become high-quality computational scientists who are comfortable working in interdisciplinary environments, have excellent communication skills, and well prepared for a wide range of future careers in areas where there is demonstrable need.
The application window for overseas candidates has now closed.
Applications are still accepted from home students until further notice.
Please contact us if you have any questions about our programme hetsys@warwick.ac.uk
Projects | Summary | Keywords |
Supervisors: Prof. Reinhard Maurer, Chemistry THIS PROJECT IS NOW FILLED |
THIS PROJECT IS NOW FILLED Understanding how local atomic structure and long-range emergent magnetic and electronic properties in defective 2D materials are connected is critical for the development of next generation functional materials. However, modern atomically-resolved imaging techniques only give an integrated snapshot of the structure, without revealing the details of the three-dimensional morphology or the stability: There are many ways to arrange atoms that give essentially the same 2D image. The project will employ electronic structure calculations of well-characterized 2D materials, simulations of electron microscopy images, and machine learning methods to reconstruct the 3D atomic positions of materials from a 2D microscopy image. The student will work closely with experts at national spectroscopy and imaging facilities to deliver scientific software applicable to experimental imaging data. |
Quantum, Atomistic, Physics, Chemistry, materials characterisation, catalysis, microscopy |
Aluminium-steel fusion welding: Supervisors: Dr Peter Brommer, EngineeringDr Prakash Srirangam, Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) |
Aluminium and steel are widely employed metallic materials for automotive applications, such as in vehicle frames. Joining of these two dissimilar metals by fusion welding results in formation of brittle aluminium-iron compounds at the interface, which degrade the performance of the weld. Looking at the motion of individual atoms, we will use modelling techniques such as Molecular Dynamics and Kinetic Monte Carlo combined with transmission electron microscopy analysis to study how iron and aluminium atoms react at the weld interface to find weld conditions where favourable intermetallic compounds form at interface. |
Atomistic, Engineering, WMG, materials characterisation, alloys, molecular dynamics, kinetic, Monte Carlo, microscopy |
AMPLIFY: Advancing Membrane Protein Learning for Improved Factorial Yield Supervisors: Prof. Phillip Stansfeld, Chemistry |
Membrane proteins are vital for cellular function and are targets for over 50% of modern pharmaceuticals. Despite their importance, producing these proteins at scale remains a major challenge. Here we aim to AMPLIFY the production of membrane proteins through cutting-edge metabolic and molecular modelling tools. This project combines state-of-the-art protein engineering with AI-driven analysis to optimise yields and study protein stability. By mastering these techniques, you’ll contribute to breakthroughs in biomedical research and drug development, gaining invaluable skills in membrane protein science and computational (bio)chemistry. Join us to tackle this global challenge and AMPLIFY your scientific expertise. |
Engineering, Chemistry, Life Sciences, Biological, Biomedical, Pharmaceuticals, Biomolecular modelling |
Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Modelling of High-Rate Ductile Fracture Supervisors: Dr Emmanouil Kakouris, Engineering |
High-rate ductile fracture, particularly in scenarios such as shock loading, poses a significant challenge in engineering, as existing models often fail to represent the complex interplay of plastic deformation, strain localisation, and void formation. This project seeks to enhance the phase-field method, enabling more accurate predictions of fracture under dynamic conditions. State-of-the-art computational techniques combined with insights from advanced physics will be employed to improve the robustness and applicability of fracture modelling. Artificial intelligence will support this effort, accelerating parameter calibration and facilitating uncertainty quantification for greater accuracy and reliability. |
Continuum, Engineering, Maths, Statistical methods, novel UQ, SciML, Quantum Algorithms, Alloys |
Supervisors: Dr Peng Wang, Physics |
This project aims to enhance the understanding of 3D atomic structures and defects in materials using advanced imaging and computational techniques. We will integrate super-resolution computational imaging (ptychography), chemical spectroscopy (EELS), and density functional theory (DFT) to achieve high-resolution reconstructions of atomic configurations. By fusing data from these methods, we will improve both lateral and depth resolution while reducing electron induced sample damage. Machine learning will be employed to refine our models iteratively, leading to precise predictions of material properties, particularly around defects. This research will provide valuable insights into the physical characteristics that impact material performance. |
Atomistic, Physics, Materials structure, materials characterisation. |
Boosting Battery Life with Hybrid Machine Learning of Degradation Mechanisms Supervisors:
Prof. Louis Piper, Warwick Manufacturing Group |
Battery degradation poses a significant obstacle to efforts to decarbonise the economy. To meet electric vehicle targets for the next decade, design strategies are required to extend battery cycle lifetimes. The aim of the project is to quantitively describe the mechanism which traps Li-ions behind atomically thin surface layers formed by oxygen loss. The aim of the project is to apply machine learning methods to high quality X-ray data with the aim of identifying the surface physics models which agree with the measurements. | Continuum, Maths, WMG, materials characterisation, statistical methods, novel UQ, SciML. |
Development of DFT methods to study atomic structure and pressure effects in f- electron materials Supervisors: Prof. Julie Staunton, Physics ![]() |
Rare earth materials are in increasing demand making good modelling of their electrons important for further development. The elements have similar chemistry owing to common valence electronic structure but varying numbers of nearly bound f-electrons, which determine magnetic properties. Using recent advances in modelling alloys and f-electron effects in magnets, this project will develop Density Functional Theory methodology for multicomponent lanthanide materials. We will study, for example, how application of pressure causes the f-electrons in cerium-rich alloys to delocalise and join the valence electrons triggering a dramatic change in properties. The project will explore building machine learning interatomic potentials for further modelling. |
Quantum, Atomistic, Engineering, Physics, materials characterisation, alloys. |
From here to where? Supervisors: Prof. Scott Habershon, Chemistry |
Organic molecular crystals can form in different polymorphs that may exhibit vastly different properties, such as melting point, light absorption, solubility and pharmaceutical activity. However, predicting the mechanisms by which different polymorphs crystallize remains a frontier challenge for the chemical sciences. In this project, we will develop a new simulation strategy to predict the key mechanistic pathways that form different polymorphs. Here, we will develop and test new strategies based on directed random walks in contact-map space to enable generation of intermediate ensembles associated with nucleation and crystallization to different polymorphs. |
Atomistic, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Statistics, novel UQ, SciML, materials characterisation. |
Machine learning accelerated electronic transport calculations for complex materials Supervisors: Prof. Neophytos Neophytou, Engineering |
Advancements in materials synthesis have allowed the realization of many novel materials and their alloys, which are gradually finding their ways into numerous applications including energy, sustainability, medicine, novel computation, etc. A major direction of interest is their electronic properties. However, the accurate assessment and prediction of electronic transport is a highly challenging task. The project uses Machine Learning (ML), in combination with DFT and state-of-the-art Boltzmann transport methods, to predict, accelerate, and scale the computation of electronic properties of complex materials and their alloys. The richness of experimental data from literature and project partners will aid towards model validation. |
Atomistic, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, materials characterisation, statistics, novel UQ, SciML, electronic devices, alloys. |
Machine Learning-Driven Molecular Simulations of Gas Transport in Polymeric Materials Supervisors: Prof. Gabriele Sosso, Chemistry |
This project utilises advancing machine learning techniques for simulating gas transport in polymeric materials. Specifically, we will leverage the MACE machine learning interatomic potential framework to improve the current models of gas diffusion and solubility in polymers, thus addressing several industry-relevant challenges. In particular, we seek to understand how aging affects these materials. The work involves molecular dynamics simulations, electronic structure calculations, and machine learning to develop accurate and efficient models. This project will lead to a robust computational framework to predict material behaviour and degradation over time. |
Atomistic, Engineering, Chemistry, Maths, Materials characterisation, novel UQ, SciML |
Machine learning of energy barriers for reaction network discovery of drug-like molecules Supervisors: Prof. Reinhard Maurer, Chemistry THIS PROJECT IS NOW FILLED
THIS PROJECT IS NOW FILLED In drug discovery, millions of molecules need to be screened for their viability as drug candidate, including their synthetic viability. Yields of chemical reactions are often limited by the formation of unforeseen by-products, which are not accounted for in synthesis planning. The exploration of kinetically accessible by-products requires the accurate prediction of reaction enthalpies and activation free energies for all relevant intermediates. In this project, a deep learning and generative design toolchain will be developed resulting in an ML model of reaction barriers. This will enable the development of more accurate and advanced high-throughput reaction network discovery and by-product prediction. |
Quantum, Atomistic, Chemistry, maths, materials characterisation, statistical methods, novel UQ, SciML |
Modelling interfacial flows in porous media: a hybrid asymptotic-computational approach Supervisors:
Dr Ellen Luckins, Maths |
Interfacial fluid flows around solid obstacles and through porous materials are important in numerous applications, including carbon sequestration, materials science, filtration, and manufacturing. For instance, resin must be injected into a porous mesh, without trapping air bubbles, to manufacture composite materials. Interfacial flows are difficult to model and simulate accurately, and in porous media the multiple disparate lengthscales further complicate matters. In this project we will develop and use hybrid modelling approaches for moving fluid-fluid interfaces around obstacles, incorporating mathematical modelling, state-of-the-art asymptotic methods and high-fidelity numerical simulations, to investigate questions like how to minimise air trapping during composite material manufacturing. |
Continuum, Maths, materials characterisation, statistics, novel UQ, SciML, composites. |
Supervisors: Dr Michael Faulkner, Engineering Project Partner: Prof. Gareth Roberts, Statistics |
Many major problems in predictive modelling involve multimodal energy landscapes. For example, proteins in a biological cell stabilise in a variety of folded configurations – or modes. Cells function correctly in the low-energy mode, but rare misfolds at higher energy lead to cell malfunction. Capturing the misfolds is, however, a challenge because simulations jam in certain modes on long timescales. Biasing simulations away from visited configurations should resolve this problem, but convergence is poor due to numerical instabilities of state-of-the-art simulations. This project leverages the fast yet stable dynamics of ballistic-style Markov processes to produce rapid multimodal sampling of polymer models. |
Atomistic, Engineering, Physics, biomolecular modelling, biomedical systems, pharmaceuticals, maths, statistics, novel UQ, SciML. |
Dr Raj Pandya, Chemistry |
While we as humans are used to seconds and hours, electrons and atoms in materials move a whole lot faster around a million-billionths of a second (femtosecond). X-ray free-electron lasers(XFEL)are a powerful tool to watch material dynamics on these timescales but how to design and interpret XFEL experiments remains challenging. This project will develop and apply new computational/analytical tools to guide XFEL experiments for specifically tracking lattice fluctuations and ion dynamics in energy materials (batteries). The project will involve close links to experimentalists with the chance to test out results at leading XFEL facilities in Europe/USA. Outcomes will include an enhanced understanding of stochastic processes like ion hops in battery solid-electrolytematerials, and new XFEL methodologies/interpretation tools that can be used bythe community. |
Quantum, Atomistic, Physics, Chemistry, materials characterisation, maths, statistics, novel UQ, SciML, electronic devices. |
Physics-informed machine learning-based swelling models for future battery cells Supervisors: Dr Lukasz Figiel, Warwick Manufacturing Group Project Partner: Jaguar Land Rover |
Efficient batteries for automotive industry are critical for achieving net zero goals and the future of our planet. During their lifetime, those energy storage systems can experience complex electrochemical-thermomechanical phenomena that can result in their volumetric changes (so called swelling). Swollen batteries are at risk of rupturing which may significantly shorten their lifetime. Development of advanced computer models is critical for understanding and optimization of batteries against the swelling phenomenon. This project aims at developing scientific machine learning approaches based on the Bayesian paradigm and electrochemical-thermomechanical models in close collaboration with our project partner Jaguar Land Rover. |
Continuum, Maths, WMG, materials characterisation, energy materials, energy storage. |
Programmable fluids: Continuum models for designing multi-stable meta-fluids Supervisors:
Dr Bryn Davies, Maths |
Adding deformable capsules to fluids allows for the realisation of “meta-fluids” with programmable mechanical, thermal and optical properties [1,2]. This newfound tunability unlocks materials with multi-physical properties not otherwise possible with single-phase fluids. This has far-reaching implications for applications to smart robotics, mechanical computation and energy harvesting [1,2]. This is a transformational technology, in the same way that metamaterials have transformed wave physics in the last two decades by exploiting multi-scale structure to yield novel, previously impossible functionality. This project will use a combination of asymptotic approximation [3] and direct numerical simulation [4] to develop novel reduced-order models for meta-fluids. |
Continuum, Maths, Statistics, materials characterisation, smart fluids. |
Reconstructing extreme space weather events to quantify risks for modern society Supervisors: Dr Ravindra Desai, Physics Project Partner: Dr Joseph Eggington, EDF Energy R&D THIS PROJECT IS NOW FILLED |
THIS PROJECT IS NOW FILLED Space weather is driven by eruptions of plasma from the Sun’s surface called coronal mass ejections. Upon arrival at Earth, these not only extend the northern and southern lights to low latitudes but can knock out satellites, communications and entire power grids. Extreme events with low return periods are especially important for power plants where 1 in 10,000 year risk levels are required to be mitigated for. Through collaboration with EDF Energy’s Natural Hazards R&D Team, this project will utilise state-of-the-art space weather simulations to probe past, present and future events to constrain extreme value distributions spanning hundreds to thousands of years. |
Continuum, Physics, Maths, Statistics, novel UQ, SciML, multiscale, plasma, simulations. |
Unlocking the Mysteries of Metallic Phase Transitions Supervisors: Dr Livia Partay, Chemistry Project Partner: ![]() |
Join a PhD project that goes beyond state-of-the-art to explore the intriguing phase behaviour of potassium and unlock new understanding of alkali metals’ unique physical properties. At high pressures and temperatures, these metals reveal complex phase transitions that remain poorly understood with exotic structures emerging that are not seen in any other material. This project combines cutting-edge sampling techniques with machine-learned potentials for accurate phase predictions, offering considerable opportunity for method development with broad, long-term impact. Not only will you gain insights into fundamental atomistic properties of alkali metals, but you’ll also contribute to pioneering computational tools that extend far beyond potassium. |
Atomistic, Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, materials characterisation, maths, statistics, novel UQ, SciML. |
When Things Won't Let Go: Supervisors: Dr Thomas Hudson, Maths Project Partner: Syngenta |
Many industrial companies dry their chemical products into powders to aid wide transportation and distribution. This process often takes place in large scale driers where the material is heated and broken up mechanically with mixing blades. However, under certain conditions the process can break down as the material sticks to the edges of the drier, causing wastage of the product, and in extreme cases, deterioration of the drier itself. This research aims to develop a new multi-physics model to describe the material properties of these drying powders, with the aim of identifying the culprits of wall adhesion. The project is suitable for an applied mathematician, or physicist with a strong mathematical background. |
Continuum, Maths, materials characterisation, statistics, commercial application, multi-physics modelling. |