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2021 Stakeholder Meeting

diversity in leaf colour in young brassica plants

The Vegetable Genetic Improvement Network is an interactive network of researchers and industry leaders, who work together to promote market delivery of improved vegetable varieties using sustainable production systems. VeGIN brings together research on the genetic improvement of carrot, onion, leafy vegetables and salads. It benefits from knowledge arising from satellite projects funded by industry and other government funders and provide underpinning resources for such projects.

The VeGIN Stakeholder meeting will be held online on 1st April 2021 with a start time of 14:00 (BST). Please register below and we will email you the joining link and instructions the day before the meeting.

The keynote talk will be given by Hossein Borhan of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada about his work on the biology and genetics of clubroot. There will also be updates from the VeGIN project and an opportunity to discuss future work and suggest traits of interest for future focus. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:

Meeting Agenda

14:00 Welcome and introduction Guy Barker (University of Warwick)
14:05 The Plasmodiophora brassicae genome: a gateway to understanding the biology of an enigmatic plant pathogen Hossein Borhan (AAFC)

Resistance to Fusarium wilt in lettuce and cavity spot in carrot

John Clarkson (University of Warwick)

Resistance to clubroot in Brassica and Nasonovia ribisnigri in lettuce

Graham Teakle (University of Warwick)
15:15 Abiotic stress in vegetable crops Olivia Cousins (Harper Adams University)

Potential for reducing virus incidence in outdoor vegetable crops through crop breeding?

Rosemary Collier (University of Warwick)
15:40 Virus resistance research and progress in vegetable brassicas John Walsh (University of Warwick)
15:50 Current concerns for discussion and summing up Guy Barker (University of Warwick)
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