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Student Profile: Hero YoungWoong Kwon

Hero YoungWoong Kwon

Academic Year: 2023/2024

Programme: MSc Medical Biotechnology and Business Management

Student image

Why did I choose to come to Life Sciences at Warwick?

I chose the Medical Biotechnology and Business Management course at Warwick because it offered modules from the world-renowned Warwick Business School. It was a unique chance to learn how funding and commercialization impact the development of various medical biotechnologies.

What was the best part of my course?

The best part of my course was the incredible diversity of cultures and mindsets. It really broadened my perspective on medical biotechnology and allowed me to see things from different angles, which is so valuable in this field.

Why should people choose this course

If you're curious not just about the science but also the business side of things, this course is perfect for you. It introduces many cutting-edge technologies in the medical field and shows how these innovations are funded and brought to market through different business models.

What are you doing currently?

Right now, I'm working as an account manager at a genomic service provider. I consult on various projects for researchers needing genomic sequencing and help them find the most cost-effective solutions for their scientific questions.

What do you plan to do next?

I plan to keep working as an account manager to continue building my experience and knowledge. Ultimately, I want to advance my degree and conduct my own research in the future.