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Iliana Karvela Kalageraki

Liana Karvela Kalageraki

Graduated in 2018

MSc in Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management

Nationality: Greek

First degree: Biology

First job after graduating: Discover Graduate Scheme with Vodafone Greece

After finishing my studies in Biology, I realised that I had to turn my wishes and talents into a career. Marketing and Communication seemed the perfect choice and made me search for a Master's degree in Business Management. But I chose Warwick’s degree as it has two major advantages; it’s top 10 in Business Studies and in general in the UK. It also provides a Master's degree which combines Biology and Business Management!

When I first arrived on campus, I was speechless. Warwick has an extremely well-organised campus, equipped with everything a student might look for; a Sports Centre, an Art Centre with a cinema, Cafes and Restaurants, the famous Dirty Duck with karaoke and quiz nights you can’t miss, various study spaces (the Learning Grid is my personal highlight), a 24/7 library which will be your saviour during dissertation and the Oculus, the new building, built when I was a student at the University, in which you can study while looking at an awesome view!

Warwick has been my best choice so far. Every module is taught for 2-3 weeks and there is no exam period. In each and every course, you are a member of a team, in which you’re working with your classmates to prepare a presentation related to the module. The teams are different in every module, therefore giving you the chance to learn how to work efficiently with different people. In addition, an essay on the subject is required, and in some modules there is a MCQ test. You stay committed to the module for 2 weeks, thus gaining deep understanding about the subject.

This degree offered me not only deep knowledge about Business Management but it also broadened my horizons in several ways. Firstly, studying abroad helped me improve my English and learn how to communicate effectively, both written and orally in a different language. Secondly, diversity was so high, in terms of nationality, within the students, thus you are brought closer to different cultures from across the globe! Hence, my best friends are now from Pakistan, Cyprus, the UK, Belgium, Latvia and Spain, people who I would have never met if I hadn’t studied in Warwick. Thirdly, studying in Warwick made me gain and work on several skills, such as team-working, being able to present in front of an audience, time management, multitasking etc.