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Kathryn Styan

Kathryn Styan

Kathryn Styan

Graduated in 2014

MSc Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy for the 21st Century

First Degree: Geography

Current job: Agronomist at Agrii

I chose Warwick due to the course content which was very specific to agronomy, the profession I wanted to get into. Warwick highlights included the module with ADAS and crop walking with an agronomist to gain in field knowledge.

My degree provided knowledge and the qualification to gain employment in agronomy. Having completed a placement with a trials company as part of my degree, it gave me a good level of work experience and practical knowledge. This enabled me to fast track through training once starting work for an agronomy company.

After finishing course, I went travelling in New Zealand and worked on farms. On returning, I was offered a job within 1 month of starting to look.

My advice to current students would be to use the contacts and opportunities provided to gain as much work experience as possible. Practical knowledge is key to working in agronomy. The field is becoming extremely technical and a high level of knowledge is now required. The presentation aspect of the MSc provides a great opportunity to get used to talking in front of a room full of people. I am responsible for training farmers in my area due to this experience and confidence in presenting.

Whilst at Warwick I joined the athletics club and canoe polo. Both provided a good social life and way of keeping fit!