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MSc Food Security pre-reading list

This is a selection of reading material recommended by module leaders for those who would like to get ahead with their study before beginning their course. Module leaders have chosen resources which are freely available and can be used as a starting point to give you a brief introduction to some of the ideas in their modules.

You are not required to purchase textbooks or to read these suggestions before you begin the course. Many e-books and journals will be available to you online through Warwick Library once you enrol. Each module has its own reading list on its Moodle page.

You may also be interested in Academic Writing: A guide for pre-induction students, a Moodle guide provided by the Academic Writing Programme.

Core Modules

HR901 Advances in Crop Protection

HR902 Soil sustainability and the environment

HR933 Challenges of Global Food Security

  • Sitopia: How Food Can Save the World. Carolyn Steel.

HR919 Environmental Accounting

HR922 Organic and Low Input Systems

Optional Modules

HR923 Biological Invasions in Changing Environments

HR924 Biodiversity, Conservation and Ecosystem Services

HR926 Microbiomics and Metagenomics

LF912 Business Strategy