to the system of equations
Prior work. Several schemes for equations of this kind have been proposed in the literature, all of which introduce an auxiliary variable for the mean curvature determined using . This makes it difficult to impose the DeTurck tangential velocity and increases the computational effort.
Our approach. We instead propose to use the identity and use -conforming finite elements to discretise the resulting fourth-order equation. Apart from avoiding auxiliary variables, this allows for fourth-order convergence in terms of the number of spatial degrees of freedom.
We use a semi-implicit time-stepping scheme which only requires the solution of linear systems. The downside of this approach is that it only yields first-order convergence.
Assessing the DeTurck reparametrisation.
The following clips show the mesh evolution for two different values of . The merits of the DeTurck reparametrisation (left series) compared to a purely normal flow (right series) are obvious.