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Summer Retreat 2013

The Summer Retreat will take place from 13-15 May 2013 and will be held at the Youth Hostel Association Haworth, Haworth House, Longlands Drive,
Lees Lane, Haworth, BD22 8RT, West Yorkshire.


13-15 May 2013

Haworth, West Yorkshire

Monday 13 May

The Coach will arrive at the back entrance to the Mathematics institute and leave for Howarth at 10 am

Followed by a walk in and around Haworth
(Please bring sturdy comfortable shoes, a picnic lunch and water)

7.00 pm Dinner at YHA Haworth

After dinner poster session for cohort 2 posters.

Tuesday 14 May

9.15 Research Study Group Presentation - Mathematical Models of Cloud Formation

10.15 Research Study Group presentation - SPDEs

11.15 Coffee break

11.30 Research Study Group presentation - Population Genetics

Group photograph

1.00 Lunch

2.15 Ethics led by Andreas Dedner or Stefan Adams event

3.45 Tea and RSG poster discussion

4.00 Matthias Wellers - Industrial speaker, Chaired by Christoph Ortner

6.00 Ethics led by Andreas Dedner or Stefan Adams event

7.00 Dinner

Wednesday 15 May

8.45 First cohort PhD research talks

10.15 Coffee break

10.45First cohort PhD research talks

12.30 Lunch

2.00 Return to university

All bedding will be provided but everyone will need to take towels etc. The Youth Hostel has a bar and also a vending machine for purchase of additional drinks thoughout the retreat.