Summer retreat 2011
The Summer Retreat in 2011 took place on 15th, 16th and 17th May 2011 at Stanton Guildhouse in the Cotswold village of Stanton. Below is the programme.
15 May
10.45 Collection from the back of the Mathematics and Statistics building by Brookline Cars to travel to Stanton Guildhouse in Minibus.
12.00 noon Arrive Stanton, unload minibus and participate in afternoon walk. Wear sensible shoes for walking, the walk will last approximately four hours.
Please bring a picnic lunch
7.00 Dinner at the Guildhouse
16 May
Breakfast at the Guildhouse is mostly cereals and toast and is based on everyone helping themselves, when they are ready for breakfast
9.30 Preparation time
10.00 RSG Presentation 1
11.00 Coffee
11.30 RSG Presentation 2
12.45 Group photograph
1.00 Lunch
2.30 RSG presentation 3
3.30 Tea and Poster discussion
4.30 Break out sessions
- Group 1 : The role of "youtube" (movies/videos) in disseminating MASDOC research.
- Group 2 : How could the MASDOC graduates help BP avoid the recent disaster in the Gulf (and other events such as the issues around the nuclear reactors in Japan)?
- Group 3 : Suggestions please.
5.30 Whole group discussion of breakout topics
7.00 Dinner
17 May
9.00 Break out sessions
- Group 1 : What makes a good MASDOC presentation, seminar or lecture? Writing a report or dissertation or paper.
- Group 2 : Existence theor and qualitative analysis - why not just compute? What is the role of numerical software in the application of the mathemtical sciences?
10.00 Whole group discussions on breakout topics
10.30 Coffee
11.00 Lorcan MacManus, Smith Institute "Industrial internships and partnerships".
1.00 Lunch
2.30 Return back to University.