Student Publications
Note to MASDOC students, the following acknowledgement must apear on any papers resulting from research done while in the MASDOC program:
This work is supported by EPSRC as part of the MASDOC DTC at the University of Warwick. Grant No. EP/HO23364/1.
2015 Cohort
Kamil Kosiba |
Dynamical poroplasticity model with mixed boundary conditions – Theory for LM-type nonlinearity With K. Kisiel. |
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 443(1), 187–229, 2016 |
Katharina Hopf |
Aggregation equations with fractional diffusion: preventing concentration by mixing with J. Rodrigo |
2014 Cohort
Wojciech Ożański |
Równania różniczkowe cząstkowe (Partial differential equations). With K. Chelminski. |
Warsaw University of Technology Publishing House (2015) 978-83-7814-405-2 |
A generalised comparison principle for the Monge-Ampère equation and the pressure in 2D fluid flows |
arxiv:1611.06157 | |
The Lagrange multiplier and the stationary Stokes equations |
On weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes inequality with internal singularities |
Leray's fundamental work on the Navier-Stokes equations: a modern review of “Sur le mouvement d’un liquide visqueux emplissant l’espace” with B. Pooley |
Pavlos Tsatsoulis |
Spectral Gap for the Stochastic Quantization Equation on the 2-dimensional Torus. With H. Weber. |
arxiv:1609.08447 |
Theodoros Assiotis |
Interlacing Diffusions With N. O'Connell and J. Warren |
arxiv:1607.07182 |
Intertwinings for general β Laguerre and Jacobi processes |
arxiv:1609.03764 | |
Hua-Pickrell diffusions and Feller processes on the boundary of the graph of spectra |
arxiv:1703.01813 |
2013 Cohort
Adam Bowditch |
Escape regimes of biased random walks on Galton-Watson trees. |
Early access online: Probab. Theory Relat. Fields |
Central limit theorems for biased randomly trapped random walks on |
A quenched central limit theorem for biased random walks on supercritical Galton-Watson trees |
Jake Dunn |
The Klein-Gordon equation on the toric adS-Schwarzschild black hole. With C. Warnick. |
Classical and Quantum Gravity 33(12) 125010. |
Yulong Lu |
A Bayesian level set method for geometric inverse problems. With M.Iglesias and A. Stuart. |
Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 18 (2016) |
Gaussian approximations for transition paths in molecular dynamics. With A. Stuart and H. Weber. |
arXiv:1604.06594 | |
Gaussian Approximations for Probability Measures on With A. Stuart and H. Weber. |
arxiv:1611.08642 | |
On the Bernstein-Von Mises Theorem for High Dimensional Nonlinear Bayesian Inverse Problems |
arxiv:1706.00289 | |
Jamie Lukins |
Multi-point correlations for two dimensional coalescing random walks With R. Tribe and O. Zaboronski |
arxiv:1707.06250 |
Jack Skipper |
A simple integral condition for energy conservation in the 3D Euler equations With J. Robinson and J. Rodrigo |
arxiv:1611.00181 |
Approach and separation of quantum vortices with balanced cores With C. Rorai, R. Kerr and K. Sreenivasan |
arxiv:1410.1259 | |
John Sylvester |
Random walk hitting times and effective resistance in sparsely connected Erdős-Rényi random graphs |
arxiv:1612.00731 |
2012 Cohort
Matthew Dunlop |
The Bayesian Formulation of EIT: Analysis and With A. M. Stuart. |
Inverse Problems and Imaging Volume 10, No. 4, 2016, 1007-1036 |
MAP Estimators for Piecewise Continuous Inversion. With A. M. Stuart. |
Inverse Problems 32 ( 2016 ) 105003 ( 50pp ) |
Hierarchical Bayesian Level Set Inversion. With M. A. Iglesias and A. M. Stuart. |
Statistics and Computing 2016 |
Adam Griffin |
Simulation from quasi-stationary distributions on reducible state spaces With P. Jenkins, G. Roberts and S. Spencer |
Graham Hobbs |
A Variational Approach to Particles in Lipid Membranes. With C. M. Elliott, C. Gräser, R. Kornhuber and M. Wolf. |
Arch Rational Mech Anal (2016) 222: 1011. doi:10.1007/s00205-016-1016-9. |
Jere Koskela |
Computational inference beyond Kingman's coalescent. With P Jenkins and D. Spano. |
Journal of Applied Probability 52.2 (2015), 519-537 |
Consistency of Bayesian nonparametric inference for discretely observed jump diffusions. With P. A. Jenkins and D. Spanò |
arXiv:1506.04709 | |
Bayesian non-parametric inference for Lambda-coalescents: consistency and a parametric method. With P. A. Jenkins and D. Spano. |
arXiv:1512.00982 | |
Inference and rare event simulation for stopped Markov processes via reverse-time sequential Monte Carlo. With P. A. Jenkins and D. Spano. |
Early access online: Statistics and Computing, 2017, 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s11222-017-9722-1 |
Benjamin Lees | Existence of Néel order in the S=1 bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model via random loops. |
Comm. Math. Phys., 347(1), 83-101 (2016) |
Long-range order for the spin-1 Heisenberg model with a small antiferromagnetic interaction. |
Journal of Mathematics and Physics. 55, 093303 (2014) |
Correlation inequalities for the quantum XY model. With C. Benassi and D. Ueltschi. |
J. Stat. Phys., 164(5), 1157-1166 (2016) |
Staggered long-range order for diluted quantum spin models. With R Kotecký. |
arXiv:1605.06279 | |
Felipe Medina-Aguayo |
Stability of Noisy Metropolis-Hastings. With A. Lee and G. Roberts. |
Statistics and Computing November 2016, Volume 26, Issue 6, pp 1187–1211 |
Faizan Nazar |
Locality of the Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsäcker Equations. With C. Ortner. |
arXiv:1509.06753 |
Convergence Rates from Yukawa to Coulomb Interaction in the Thomas-Fermi-von Weizsäcker Model. |
arXiv:1601.01187 | |
David O'Connor |
The Cahn-Hilliard equation on an evolving surface. With B. Stinner |
arXiv:1607.05627 |
Daniel Sanz-Alonso |
Filter accuracy for the Lorenz 96 model: Fixed versus adaptive observation operators. With K. Law, A. Shukla and A. Stuart. |
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 325, 1-13 (2016). |
Long-time asymptotics of the filtering distribution for partially observed chaotic dynamical systems. With A. Stuart. |
SIAM/ASA J. Uncertainty Quantification, 3(1), 1200-1220 (2015) | |
Importance sampling: Computational complexity and intrinsic dimension. With S. Agapiou, O. Papaspiliopoulos and A. Stuart. |
To appear in Statistical Science. |
Gaussian approximations of small noise diffusions in Kullback-Leibler divergence. With A. Stuart. |
To appear in Communications in Mathematical Sciences. |
Huan Wu |
Analysis of patch-test consistent atomistic-to-continuum coupling with higher-order finite elements. With A. Dedner and C. Ortner |
To appear in ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. |
2011 Cohort
Amal Alphonse |
An abstract framework for parabolic PDEs on evolving spaces. With C. M. Elliott and B. Stinner. |
Port. Math. 72 (2015), 1-46 |
A Stefan problem on an evolving surface. With C. M. Elliott. |
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 373:20140279 (2015) |
On some linear parabolic PDEs on moving hypersurface. With C. M. Elliott and B. Stinner. |
Interfaces Free Bound. 17 (2015), 157-187 |
Well-posedness of a fractional porous medium equation on an evolving surface. With C. M. Elliott. |
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 137, 3-42 |
Barnaby Garrod |
Interacting particle systems on as Pfaffian point processes I - annihilating and coalescing random walks With R. Tribe and O. Zaboronski |
Examples of interacting particle systems on as Pfaffian point processes II - coalescing branching random walks and annihilating random walks with immigration With M. Poplavskiy, R. Tribe and O. Zaboronski |
arxiv:1605.09668 | |
Alexander Kister |
Sample path large deviations for Laplacian models in -dimensions With S. Adams and H. Weber. |
Electron. J. Probab. 21 (2016), no. 62, 1–36. |
Yuchen Pei |
A q-weighted version of the Robinson-Schensted algorithm. With N. O'Connell. |
Electronic Journal of Probability, 18 (2013), 95, 1-25 |
A symmetry property for q-weighted Robinson-Schensted and other branching insertion algorithms. |
J. Algebr. Comb. 40(3) 743-770(2014) | |
On a causal quantum double product integral related to Lévy stochastic area. With R. Hudson. |
arXiv:1506.04294 | |
Unitary causal quantum stochastic double products as universal interactions I. With R. Hudson. |
Vol. 46 (2015) ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B No 9. |
Abhishek Shukla |
Analysis of the 3DVAR Filter for the Partially Observed Lorenz '63 Model. With K. Law and A. Stuart. |
Matthew Thorpe |
Convergence of the k-means minimization problem using Gamma convergence. With F. Theil, A. Johansen and N. Cade. |
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, (2015) |
Self-reinforced Meta Learning for Belief Generation. With A. Gkiokas and A. Cristea. |
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXI, Springer International Publishing, (2014) | |
Convergence and Rates for Fixed-Interval Multiple-Track Smoothing Using k-Means Type Optimization. With A. Johansen. |
Electronic Journal of Statistics 10(2):3693-3722, 2016. |
Weak Convergence of General Smoothing Splines. With A. Johansen. |
arXiv:1506:08450 |
2010 Cohort
Charles Brett |
Accuracy and Stability of Filters for Dissipative PDEs. With K. Lam, K Law, D. McCormick, M. Scott and A. Stuart. |
Physica D245 (15 February 2013), 34-45 |
Mesh adaptivity in optimal control of elliptic variational inqualities with point-tracking of the state. With C.M. Elliott, M. Hintermuller and C. Lobhard |
Interfaces and Free Boundaries Vol 17 (2015) 21-53 |
Phase diagrams for knotted and unknotted ring polymers. | Phys. Rev. E 85, 031804 (2012) | ||
Phase field methods for binary recovery. With A. Dedner and C. M. Elliott. |
LNCSE Optimization with PDE constraints, Vol 101, (2014) 25-63 | ||
Optimal control of elliptic PDEs at points. With A. Dedner and C. M. Elliot. |
IMA J. Numer. Anal. 36 (2016), no. 3, 1015–1050. | ||
Optimal control of elliptic PDEs on surfaces of codimension 1. With A. Dedner and C. M. Elliot. |
arXiv:1411.4974 | ||
Michael Eyers |
Phase Transitions in Delaunay Potts Models With S. Adams |
Journal of Statistical Physics 161, No. 4, DOI10.1007/s10955-015-1393-8 (2015) | |
Adam Hall | Pharmacokinetic modelling of derivatives of the anti-malerial drug artemisinin. | Biological and Medical Systems 8 (2013) 266-271 | |
Kei Fong Lam |
Analysis of the diffuse domain approach for a bulk-surface coupled PDE system. With H. Abels, K. Lam and B. Stinner |
SIAM J Math Analysis 47 |
Accuracy and Stability of Filters for Dissipative PDEs. With C. Brett, K. Law, D. McCormick, M. Scott and A. Stuart. |
Physica D245 (15 February 2013), 34-45 |
Diffuse interface modelling of soluble surfactants in two-phase flow. With H. Garcke and B. Stinner |
Communications in Mathematics, Vol 12, Number 8, pages 1475-1522 | ||
Pravin Madhavan |
Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods on surfaces. With A. Dedner |
Numerische Mathematik (2015) DOI 10.1007/s00211-015-0719-4 |
Analysis of the discontinuous Galerkin method for elliptic problems on surfaces. With A. Dedner and B. Stinner |
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 33, No 3(2013), 952-973 | ||
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic and advection-dominated problems on surfaces. With A. Dedner |
arXiv:1505.06752 | ||
High Order discontinuous Galerkin Methods on Surfaces. With P. Antonietti, A. Dedner, S. Stangalino, B. Stinne and M. Verani. |
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 53 (2), 1145-1171 | ||
David McCormick
Accuracy and Stability of Filters for Dissipative PDEs. With C. Brett, K. Lam, K. Law, M. Scott and A. Stuart. |
Physica D245 (15 February 2013), 34-45
Existence and uniqueness for a coupled parabolic-elliptic model with applications to magnetic relaxation. With J. Robinson and J. Rodrigo. |
Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., 214(2):503–523, (2014) |
Generalised Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities using weak Lebesgue spaces and BMO. With J. Robinson and J. Rodrigo. |
Milan J. Math., 81(2):265–289, (2013) |
Local existence for the non-resistive MHD equations in Besov spaces. With J. Chemin, J. Robinson and J. Rodrigo |
Higher order commutator estimates and local existence for the non-resistive MHD equations and related models. With C. Fefferman, J. Robinson and J. Rodrigo |
J. Funct. Anal., 267(4):1035–1056, (2014) |
Lower bounds on blowing-up solutions of the 3D Navier--Stokes equations in , , and . With E. Olson, J. Robinson, J. Rodrigo, A. Vidal-Lopez and Y. Zhou |
Michael Scott |
Accuracy and Stability of Filters for Dissipative PDEs. With C. Brett, K. Lam, K. Law, D. McCormick and A. Stuart. |
Physica D245 (15 February 2013), 34-45 |
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations on Evolving Surfaces and Evolving Riemannian Manifolds. With C. M. Elliott and M. Hairer |
arXiv:1208.5958 | ||
Maria Veretennikova |
Controlled Continuous Time Random Walks and Fractional Hamilton Jacobi Bellman Equations. With V. Kolokoltsov |
arXiv:1203.6333 | |
A fractional Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equation for scaled limits of controlled Continuous Time Random Walks With V. Kolokoltsov |
Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 6 (1) - CAIM Special Issue hosted in the journal Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics published by SIMAI. |
Wellposedness and regularity of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear fractinal in time and space equations. With V. Kolokoltsov |
Fractional Differential Calculus, Volume 4, Number 1 (2014), 1–30 |