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Michael Eyers

Office: B3.04

Office hours: Available on request

Research Interests: Probability theory, Brownian motion, statistical mechanics.

PhD supervisor: Stefan Adams

Current Research: Voronoi percolation and conformal invariance. My PhD thesis concentrates on Phase transitions of nearest neighbour continuum Potts models with infinite range and other continuous models.


Spring 2012 : Teaching Assistant for MA3H2: Markov processes and percolation

Autumn 2012 : Teaching Assistant for MA244: Analysis III

2010 - Present: First and second year undergraduate supervisor

Recent conferences and summer schools:

WARWICK EPSRC SYMPOSIUM 2013/2014, Statistical Mechanics / Mathematics of Phase Transitions

MASDOC Summer Retreat 2013, YHA Haworth in Cumbria, 13th - 15nd May 2013

2nd Joint CCA-MASDOC Student Conference, University of Warwick, 25th - 27th March 2013.

PIMS-Mprime Summer School in Probability 2012, UBC Vancouver, 3rd June - 3rd July 2012

MASDOC Summer Retreat 2012, Hartington Hall, Derbyshire, 20th - 22nd May 2012

UK Easter probability meeting, University of Warwick, 26th - 30th March 2012

YEP IX workshop, Eurandom, Eindhoven, 27th February - 2nd March, 2012

1st Joint CCA-MASDOC Student Conference, University of Cambridge, 19th - 21st March 2012.

MASDOC Summer Retreat 2011, Stanton House, The Cotswolds, 15th - 17th May 2011.

MSc Dissertation: Voronoi percolation and conformal invariance

Research study Group project: Brain imaging, fMRI, Kalman filters

Selected presentations:

May 2013: MASDOC retreat: Quermass interactions and percolation

March 2012: CCA-MASDOC Conference, University of Cambridge: RSW for Voronoi


1. Existence of Gibbs measure, decay of correlations and RSW for Voronoi tessellations

2. Voronoi percolation and conformal invariance

3. Brain imaging (with M. Veretennikova and A. Hall)
