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MASDOC MSc Supervisors and Dissertation titles


Student Name Dissertation Title First supervisor Second supervisor
Maha Al Hajri Spatial Modelling and Simulation of Ran-driven Nuclear Transport Markus Kirkilionis Andreas Dedner
Amal Alphonse Cell Motility: Modelling and Analysis Charlie Elliott Bjorn Stinner
Don Amarasinghe A mathematical foundation for density functional theory - using classical Statistical Mechanics Stefan Adams Florian Theil
George Andriopoulos "Near" Local Time Continuity for G-W Trees David Croydon Agelos Georgakopoulos
Letizia Angeli Feynman-Kac Models for Large Deviation Conditioning Problem Stefan Grosskinsky Adam Johansen
Theodoros Assiotis Orthogonal Polynomials, Non Colliding Diffusions and Extended Kernels Neil O'Connell Jon Warren
Andrew Aylwin A smooth fit Levy-driven American Options Llarbi Alili Vassili Kolokoltsov
Eleanor Archer Resistence and Random Walks on Looptrees david Croydon Daniel Ueltschi
Hanson Bharth Asymptotic Analysis of cylindrical problems EdBramley  
Simon Bignold Density Functional Theory: The classical Hard-Core Gas Christoph Ortner Charlie Elliott
Adam Bowditch Biased Random Walks on subcritical Galton-Watson Trees Conditioned to Survive David Croydon Jon Warren
Charles Brett Inverse problems including interfaces and free boundaries Charlie Elliott Andreas Dedner
Dominic Brockington Tracy Widom Fluctuations in Stochastic Flows Jon Warren  
Maciej Buze Aromistic models for crystal defects Christoph Ortner Felip Rindler
Qiaochu Chen Particle Filtering and Parameter Inference for the CIR model Gareth Roberts  
Neil Chada Reduced Basis-EnKF Method for Inverse Problems Andrew Stuart Claudia Schillings
Lewis Church Numerical approximation of a Stefan Problem on an Evolving Surface Charlie Elliott Bjorn Stinner
Tessa Colledge Free Energy and Large Deviations for 1-Dimensional Pinning Models Stefan Adams Stefan Grossinskey
Matthew Collins Asymptotic methods for Phase Field Models Andreas Dedner Bjorn Stinner
Lloyd Connellan Transparent Boundary Conditions Applied to Atmospheric Problems Andreas Dedner Bjorn Stinner
Owen Daniel Phase transitions in the Random Stirring Process on infinite graphs Stefan Adams Stefan Grossinskey
Matthew Dickson

Equivalence of Ensembles for Mean Field Bose Gases

Stefan Adams Roger Tribe
Oliver Dunbar

Knot energies in the numerical detection and prevention of self-intersecting moving membranes

Bjorn Stinner Andreas Dedner
Matthew Dunlop

The support of the Laws of Diffusion processes with irregular drifts

Xue-Mei Li Martin Hairer
Jake Dunn Linear Stability of Black Holes Claude Warnick Mario Micallef
Matthew Egginton Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation corresponding to an Invariant Manifold of Molecular Dynamics Florian Theil Ian Melbourne
Michael Eyers Conformal Invariance of Voronoi Percolation Stefan Adams Neil O'Connell
William Fitzgerald The supremum of Dyson Brownian motion Jon Warren Roger Tribe
Matthew Galton Central limit theorums for slowing fixing dynamical systems Ian Melbourne Hendrik Weber
Rodolfo Gameros Leal Traffic in Poissonian Line Networks Wilfrid Kendall David Croydon
Barnaby Garrod The Infinitesimal Pairwise immigration model Roger Tribe Oleg Zaboronski
Paolo Grazieschi

Convergence of the three-dimensional Ising-Kac model

Hendrik Weber  
Adam Griffin

Convergence to equilibrium for granular Media and related equations

Xue-Mei Li Martin Hairer
Trishen Gunaratnam Topics on the construction and properties of Non-Gaussian Measures Hendrik Weber  
Adam Hall Pharmacokinetic modelling of Derivatives of the anti-malarial drug artemisinin John Aston Mike Chappell
Philip Hanson

Measured valued Markov Processes in Genetics

Dario Spano  
Luke Hatcher

A Phase Field Model for Domain Formation for Small Displacements of a Spherical Biomembrane

Charlie Elliott Bjorn Stinner
Philip Herbert

Small Deformations of Energy Minimising Biomembranes by Adhesion to Particles

Charlie Elliott Bjorn Stinner
John Herman

Stochastic Duality of Markov Processes with Applications

Vassili Kolokoltsov Larbi Alili
Graham Hobbs

Monge gauge with point particles

Charlie Elliott Jose Rodrigo
Katharina Hopf Stable formation of singularity for a classical chemotaxis model Jose Rodrigo Charlie Elliott
Shannon Horrigan Phase Transitions in Delaunay Potts Models on R2 with Tile Interactions Stefan Adams Roger Tribe
Ifan Johnston Pseudo-differential operators on bounded domains generating Markov processes Vassili Kolokoltsov Larbi Alili
Jacek Kiedrowski Self interacting walks and scaling limit of directed polymer moel Nikos Zygouras Guiseppe Cannizzaro
Alexander Kister Loop-Erased Random Walks and Schramm-Loewner-Evolutions Neil O'Connell Jon Warren
Kamil Kosiba

Oscillation and concentration Phenomena in Sequences of Functions

Felip Rindler Florian Theil
Jere Koskela

The Spatial Lamda-Fleming-Viot Process: Modelling and Inference in Population Genetics

Neil O'Connell Paul Jenkins
Kei Fong Lam Surface Ellen-Cahn Equation Bjorn Stinner Charlie Elliott
Zak Lawrence

Spectral Approximation of an Ab Initio Energy

Christoph Ortner James Kermode
Benjamin Lees

Classical and Quantum Heisenberg and Related models

Daniel Ueltschi Roman Kotecky
Jorge Lindley

Enstrophy and Temperture Gradient Production for Vortices in Stratified Flow

Robert Kerr Andreas Dedner
Yulong Lu Level set approach to Bayesian geometric inverse problems in subsurface flow Andrew Stuart Marco Inglesias Hernandez
Chin Lun Eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix of Brownian motions with drift Jon Warren Neil O'Connell
Pravin Madhavan Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Surface partical differential equations Andreas Dedner Bjorn Stinner
Barinder Matharu Central Limit Theorems for the Linear Random Walk on the Torus Ian Melbourne Mark Pollicott
David McCormick Stationary Euler flows and magnetohydrodynamics James Robinson Jose Rodrigo
Felipe Medina Aguayo

The Pseudo-Marginal Approach to MCMC

Gareth Roberts Anthony Lee
Faizan Nazar

Electronic Structure of Defects in the Thomas-Fermi-von Weiszacher Model of Crystals

Christoph Ortner Stefan Adams
Adam Nixon

Mathematical Computation in Cell Biology

Charlie Elliott Hans Fritz
David O'Connor

Surface Cahn-Hilliard Equation

Bjorn Stinner Charlie Elliott
Wojciech Ozanski The Monge-Ampere equation and the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations James Robinson Jose Rodrigo
Yuchen Pei RSK correspondence and Pitman's theorem Neil O'Connell Jon Warren
Christopher Pettitt Statistical inference techniques in population genetics with application to Mutation Rate Inferene in Y-STR data Dario Spano Gareth Roberts
Stephen Pidgeon Large Deviations for (1+1) Diemnsional Laplacian Models Stefan Adams Hendrik Weber
Jesse Pritchard Preliminary studies of Rayleigh-BĂ©nard convection Robert Kerr James Sprittles
Jaromir Sant Bayesian Estimation for Diffusions in Genetics Jere Koskela  
Annagloria Santello Corruption as an evolutionary theoretic game Vassili Kolokoltsov  
Christian Scharrer Weak Lower Semi-Continuity of the Canham-Helrich Energy Functional Andrea Mondino  
Michael Scott Stochastic Partial Differential equations on an evolving Riemannian Manifolds Martin Hairer Charlie Elliott
Abhishek Shukla The Bayesian approach to inverse problems Andrew Stuart Gareth Roberts
Jack Thomas Analysis of the Tight Binding Model Christoph Ortner  
Matthew Thorpe Multi target tracking as applied to telecommunications Adam Johansen Florian Theil
Pavlos Tsatsoulis Solutions to the Stochastic Quantisation Equations Hendrik Weber Martin Hairer
Georgios Vasdekis Nonreversible Markov Processes and Zig-Zag Gareth Roberts Jon Warren
Maria Veretennikova Controlled fractional dynamics with applications to games and finances Vassili Kolokoltsov Dario Spano
Quirin Vogel

Surface Tension of Stochastic Gradient Models

Stefan Adams Stefan Grosskinsky
Curtis Wilson

Decay estimates for minimisers of the Lattice Energy of Multilattices with point defects

Christoph Ortner James Kermode
David Woodford

Lamperti transforms of self semilar Markov process

Larbi Alili Vassili Kolokoltsov
Huan Wu

Atomistic-to-Continuum Couplings

Christoph Ortner Andreas Dedner