Rodolfo Gameros Leal
About Me
Rodolfo Miguel Gameros Leal
Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Academic Background
- PhD in Mathematics and Statistics (2014 - 2018), University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
- Thesis: Mean Traffic behaviour in Poissonian cities.
- Under the supervision of Professor Wilfrid S. Kendall.
- MSc in Mathematics and Statistics (2013 - 2014), University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
- Dissertation: Traffic in Poissonian Lines Networks.
- Under the supervision of Professor Wilfrid S. Kendall.
- BSc in Applied Mathematics (2006 - 2010), ITAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
- Dissertation Topic: Measure Theory and some of its Applications.
- Under the supervision of Dr. Guillermo Grabinsky Steider.
My academic interests are Measure Theory, Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Statistics.
Other Background
- Supervisor (2015 - 2017) at The University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
- Risk Leader Management (2011 - 2013) at Ike Asistencia, Mexico City.
- Business Consultant (2011) at Axan, Advisory and Consulting Business, Mexico City.
- Member of Statistics Junior Faculty (2009 - 2010) at ITAM, Mexico City.
Current Research
- I have finished my PhD at the University of Warwick, MASDOC Programme under the supervision of Professor Wilfrid S. Kendall.
- My research focuses on three main developments:
- Generalization for the expected amount of traffic flow at any given point (q) in the Poissonian city given that there is a line going through that specific point q.
- Construct the required framework using Palm Theory in order to adapt the Poissonian city model to consider that the traffic is generated by two points that belongs to the Poisson line process in question instead of considering any point inside the disk of radius n as it has been done before by Professor Wilfrid S. Kendall in his 2011 paper: Geodesics and flows in a Poissonian city.
- Finally, I compare the traffic flow distribution in a Poissonian city with the traffic flow in British Railway system. The differences between them motivates the idea to change the shape of the Poissonian city, instead of consider a disk, we generalize the model to different ellipses by changing the value for the eccentricity.
- Along the Academic year 2015 - 2016 the main result was to provide a generalization about the expected amount of traffic on any given point (q) in the Poissonian city given that there is a line going through that specific point q. Also the main tool used to apply this result in order to get the traffic behaviour across the whole Poissonian city is Palm Theory, specifically the Slivnyak - Mecke Theorem. Some of these results can be found in my PAC report
- On my first year I was working on an alternative Poissonian city were insted of using a Poisson line process we only have a Poisson process for segments of lines with a fixed length h, and how to make this process similar to the original Poisson line process in the sense that it still have the same amount of routes/paths per area. More development on this ideas are available on my PAC report
Other Research
Along my MSc studies I also work on a Research Study Group (RSG) project about Epidemiology together with Annagloria Santello and Jake Dunn under the supervision of Professor Matt Keeling and Doctor Simon Spencer.
Conferences attended
- XIV Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies: Knowledge into Solutions, University of Edinburgh, 16th - 18th June 2016.
- Aarhus University Workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and their Applications, Sandbjerg State, Denmark, 5th - 10th June 2016.
- Young Researchers in Mathematics, University of Oxford, 17th - 20th August 2015
- XIII Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies: Connecting Ideas, Building the Future, University College London, 23rd - 25th July 2015.
- 51st Gregynog Statistical Conference 2015, Gregynog Hall, 17th - 19th April 2015
- 4th MASDOC - CCA Studentd conference 2015, University of Warwick, 15th - 17th- April 2015
- Young Researchers in Mathematics, University of Warwick, 30th June - 3rd July 2014.
Modules Taken
- Applied Stochastic Processes with Advanced Topics
- Markov Processes and Percolation Theory
- APTS (Academy for PhD Training in Statistics) 2014 - 2015
- Week 1: The University of Cambridge, 15th - 19th December 2014.
- Statistical Inference
- Statistical Computing
- Week 2: The University of Southampton, 23rd - 27th March 2015
- Statistical Asymptotics
- Statistical Modelling
- Week 3: The University of Warwick, 6th - 10th June 2015
- Applied Stochastic Processes
- Computer Intensive Statistics
- Week 4: The University of Glasgow, 31st August - 4th September 2015
- Survival Analysis
- Nonparametric Smoothing
- Week 1: The University of Cambridge, 15th - 19th December 2014.
Talks Given
- Poster: Traffic behaviour across the Poissonian City, XIV Symposim of Mexican Students and Studies: Knowledge into Solutions, Edinburgh, UK, 16th - 18th June 2016.
- Poster: Traffic behaviour over the Poissonian City, AU Workshop on Stochastic Geometry, Stereology and their Applications, Sandbjerg State, Denmark, 5th - 10th June 2016.
- Traffic behaviour across the Poissonian City, MASDOC Retreat, Wilderhope Manor, Shropshire, 23th - 25th May 2016
- Poisson segment processes, MASDOC - CCA conference 2015, Warwick, 15th April 2015.
- The Poissonian city and real transportation networks, MASDOC Retreat, St. Briavel's Castle, Gloucestershire, 18th - 20th May 2015.
- Academic year 2014 - 2015: Along the 2nd and 3rd term I gave supervisions to one group of five students from first year mathematics undergraduate.
- Academic year 2015 - 2016: Along the whole year I gave supervisions to two groups of five students from first year mathematics undergraduate.
- Academic year 2016 - 2017: Along the whole year I will be given supervisions to two groups of five students from first year mathematics undergraduate.
Personal Interests
Beyond Mathematics, I enjoy listening music (Radiohead, Muse, Queen). Every now and then I practice some sports (Swimming and Football mainly) and also I enjoy reading (non-mathematical books if I have the time) and watch a lot of TV Series to relax.
Email: R.M.Gameros-Leal (at)